Chapter 2 - Just Another Wonderful Day At Work (PT1)

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The next day.. (The siblings POV..)

Three supposed siblings sat on a bench near a chestnut tree with a peculiar jukebox next to the bench they were on.

All three of them had ice cream. The supposed youngest, a little girl wearing a blue dress, having strawberry ice cream.

The boy on the right of the girl while next to the peculiar jukebox, wearing a red jacket, having a mint chocolate chip ice cream.

The boy on the left of the girl, the nearest of the chestnut tree, wearing a cream coloured turtleneck, having a maple-walnut ice cream.

They all sat there on the bench, just listening to a disc named 'Cat' play as they talked about stuff. And once the disc was done playing, they put on the disc called 'Mellohi'.

They just enjoyed their time together in peace, listening to discs while eating ice cream. As well as talking to each other in a calm atmosphere surrounding them.

They sat on the bench for some time, sitting there even after the sun had set. When the night had fallen and consumed the sky into darkness with little lights lighting it up, they ended up staying there only for a bit at the nighttime.

They went home in a blissful manner. Just content with the calm moment they had on the bench that evening.

"Soooo, my dear brother, what do we do now?" Isaac said, bored out of their mind. "I dunno, Clementine's still sleeping, it's 6 in the fucking morning and I just realized we just kidnapped a child."

After Tommy said the last part, he just looked like a mix of confused, disbelief and shock at himself and his brother on literally kidnapping a child.

"Oh you just realized? My my, you are slow, Toms." The oldest of the two just grinned mischievously at his brothers' slowness.

He took a sip his coffee, trying to wake himself up with the caffeine. "Though I wouldn't say kidnapped a child. I'd say, hmmm, that we surprised adopted a child!" The older said with a big grin while not helping the younger ease his emotions at all.

Needless to say, the two brothers were tired from last night's fiasco.

They were happy to able to take care of the lady's kid and hopefully give the kid a good enough home, away from the sometimes and somewhat awful foster care system.

They were never put in foster homes, they always found ways to escape from the cops and social workers.

From the kids they met on the streets, they found out about the horrible homes they would be taken to. There were nice homes too, but the children that they were with were always put back into the foster care center for some reason.

Ok, so like what's funny about living in the streets with a bunch of other homeless children was the fact they at least had one glass bottle for a situation like having to get the others' attention.

Like this one time, the two siblings and a couple of other children were just chilling in the alleyways, which was right by a road, and they were just hanging out, bored as hell though.

Then out of nowhere, one of the kids who were patrolling threw the fucking glass bottle, that was used for telling them that social workers or cops were nearby, and just fucking yelled 'SCATTER!'.

To be honest, it was a pretty fucking funny memory in the eyes of the two brothers now, though during the time they got kinda scared and ran the fuck out of there along with the other kids.

~| Mellohi and Cat |~    Vigilante Tommy AU (BEING REWRITTEN IN A NEW BOOK :D!)Where stories live. Discover now