Competitive Drinking

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~How You Fell In Love~

You and Mathias were not only close friends, but very competitive drinking buddies. So technically, it was okay for you to say that everything that happened that day was entirely his fault. He dragged you out of your house at precisely 10:00 PM and took you to his favorite bar for a drinking competition. Let's just say that you totally thought you could win. You were on your fifth shot glass.

"Heeeeey! (y/n), all my drinks are on you for an entire week if, no, when you lose!!!" He stated with a grin. Mathias had a very high alcohol tolerance. You were pretty unlucky, which was probably why you almost always lost against the Danish man. That, and you had a very low alcohol tolerance.  Your cheeks were flushed from the alcohol already.

"HAH! Only in yooouur dreams, stuupid Dane!" You mocked and downed the glass. He let out an obnoxiously loud laugh. You pounded on the table and the bar tender refused to give you another shot. You scowled.

"HEY! Give meh my alcohol!!! I ain't finished yet!" You slurred, annoyed. He simply shook his head and gestured to your other good friends, Lukas and Berwald, who didn't look very amused. Then again, they never did. Your scowl turned into a grimace.

"MAN!!! WHO CALLED THE SWEDE AND THE NORWEGIAN?!?!" Mathias yelled, mirroring your expression. He obviously didn't like the idea of them coming and ruining the event. Lukas looked at Berwald and they both nodded. Suddenly you found yourself being lifted off of the ground by Lukas.

"'Ey!!! Put meee doooownnnn!!!" You whined. "Just let Mathias take me hoome!! He's my favorite!!!" You childishly complained. Yup, you were completely wasted. You didn't notice the blush that crept onto the Danish man's cheeks. But as soon as it came it left and he regained his composure.

"Yeah, I can take her home. Get out of here!" He said, scowling. He didn't really like Berwald being there although he didn't have as much of a problem with Lukas. Although Lukas did get annoyed with him pretty easily and Mathias got choked quite often. Lukas looked at Berwald and nodded, although the Swede looked unsure. He finally grunted his consent and Lukas let you down. You latched onto Mathias's arm and grinned.

"Yaaaayyyy~!!!" You squealed. Lukas smirked and gave Mathias a look.

"SHUT UP!!!" Mathias yelled, blushing.

"I didn't say anything..." Lukas said, feigning innocence and raising his hands in surrender. The two men turned and walked out of the bar and Mathias sighed looking down at the completely-wasted-you.

"C'mon (nickname). Let's get you home." He said, taking your arm and trying to lead you out. You, on the other hand, were so wasted that you didn't even know who was standing next to you. But you figured you might be really close to him and wondered if maybe he could help you with your obvious crush on the Dane.

"Hey~! Can I tell you something?!" You asked excitedly. Mathias laughed a bit at your childish behavior.

"Of course! You're my best friend after all!" He replied. You mentally fist pumped, thinking that this guy was as you had assumed; a really awesome friend.

"Okay! BUT! You have to PROMISE me that you WILL NOT tell Mathias about it!!!" You said, suddenly trying to be serious in your drunken state. Mathias was about to say something, but held his tongue and replied differently.

"Yeah, okay! I promise! What is it?" He asked curiously. You leaned over to his ear and giggled.

"I love Mathias!!! I really love him a lot!!! When I'm around him, my heart races and lately I've felt really nervous around him!!! I figured since you are a good friend you can help me out!!" You whispered loudly, and smiled. You watched as the man's face, neck, and ears turned bright red. Although you were drunk, he could tell that you were serious and that it wasn't a joke or a lie. He knew you that well. He gulped and tried to regain some of his composure.

Competitive Drinking (Denmark x Drunk! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now