The collision

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Louis knew he was fucked the moment his new roommate turned out to be the arrogant most asshol-ish person of the entire campus.

If not for stupid Gregory getting expelled for fucking the principal's daughter right in the library Louis would've never had to live with this six feet something oaf who drinks fucking kale smoothies at five in the morning and works out on Britney Spears till nine.

Louis was everything but a morning person. And if his hatred for Harry wasn't obvious since the start of the semester The universe had to fuck with him and put the worm right in his dorm.

This hatred was actually on both sides, Harry Styles was the epitome of the cliché bad boy who fucks around, smokes and parties like his life depends on it, he was a generous asshole who knew nothing about humanity.

Louis was never a prude, he knows how biology works and shit, he knows teenagers tend to be more horny than a fucking bitch in heat but that doesn't give you a fucking free pass to flirt with anything that walks and touch them without consent.

So the story started with courtesy of Niall Horan, Louis' best mate, inviting him to his first ever frat party, a very reluctant Louis was dragged to that said party and at first it was kinda cool until Louis' eyes landed on the devil himself, all long lean legs leaning against a wall, a can of something in his long ringed fingers and curly hair pushed through a blue bandana, Safe to say Louis was hooked on whoever this boy was, green eyes as dark and beautiful as emeralds roaming around and twinkling while kissable lips open in a little laugh showing off two bunny teeth—cute.

As if the stranger had sensed Louis' eyes on him he looked straight in Louis' blue eyes, the shiver that exploded in Louis' body was unexplainable.

The lips had spread in a smirk and the boy raked his green eyes up and down Louis' body. It was all cool until The stranger came up and spoke. "So wanna take this eye fucking to a real one back in my room?" Louis squawks.

"E-Excuse me?" The boy shrugs, "I see you want me darling. A pretty boy like you—"

"If I were you I'd keep my hands to myself, mate. Stop touching me." Louis' eyes narrows at the hand that now rested on his hips, the boy's green eyes widens, "Woah there, cupcake. Thought you wanted this."

"Yeah I thought that too but apparently not so much." He shrugs and makes his away from the gawking eyes and the green eyed boy's clenched face, "Well if you were a virgin I'd rather suggest you to not give your fuck-me eyes to everyone around will yeah?" The boy's words bellows making Louis stop dead on his tracks,

"Ex-fucking-cuse me." He frowns turning around to find green eyes glaring at him, "Well looks like someone can't fucking take a rejection."

"Oh sweet cheeks, I can take every fucking thing, what you can't take is, a dick up your arse." The crowd snickers and Louis feels humiliation seeping in his pores, "I can take a dick very well in my arse, baby cakes, only not yours." He gives out a sickly sweet smile earning a round of hoots from around.

"Ah with an arse like that It's making all sense to me." Hot rage courses in Louis' body at the clear indication of what this boy is on about, "Whatever do you mean? First you think I'm a virgin and now a slut?" The boy's face falls,

"Yeah I didn't noticed it until you turned around, must be swollen with all the co—" Louis doesn't let him complete as he advances and slaps the boy right across his face, the boy snickers shamelessly though his eyes are dangerous, "You're Gonna regret that slap."

Just in time Niall comes and starts pulling Louis away before he could continue the argument, "Who the fuck does that little fucker thinks he is? Talking as if I was some whore ready to be fucked, overconfident jerk." Louis grumbles with wide blue eyes.

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