Chapter 1- New Roommate

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Chapter 1

I looked over the new city on the rooftop of a corporate building. It was certainly an...interesting city. I heard the sound of police sirens and people screaming. I threw my mask on and grabbed my gloves, pushing off the edge of the roof and into the air. I flew towards the source of the noise.

In the middle of the street was an old lady...with a weird monster eye on her hat. That blinked?! What the hell kind of town is this?!

I was just about to attack the old woman when a voice yelled, "Titans, go!" and 5 people ran into action. There was a green little one that changed into a rhino while a half-man, half-robot person changed his arm into a cannon and shot at the old woman. A girl in a purple cloak chanted magic words and sent some underworld-y magic at the woman while a girl with hot pink hair shot lasers with her eyes alongside her comrades. Last but not least Boy Wonder himself ran in in his red, yellow and green clad uniform with his bow-staff. Together, they made the Teen Titans.

Just the people I needed to see.

I smirked and let them handle this. I turned around mid-air and flew to the Titan's tower. Might as well sneak in and surprise them.


I was sitting on the couch when the elevator door opened and the Titans walked in, their leader saying, "That was a good fight, Titans. Just, next time, try to stick to the plan."

I smirked and stood up, crossing my arms over my chest, turning to face the group of heroes. "Titans! Just the people I was waiting to see."

Robin took a step towards me. "Who are you and what the hell are you doing in our tower?"

"Me? Oh, Birdie, dearie, I'm a friend, a fellow crime-fighter if you will. Name's Nyx." I stuck a hand out for him to shake. He looked at it and then looked up at my masked eyes. "Ooh, looks like somebody needs to learn some manners."

Robin glared at me. "What do you want Nyx?" He almost sounded bored.

"Aww, Robbie, are you sick of me already?" I pouted at him.

Growing up on the streets of many different cities, I learned a few things. 1) always hide your identity unless you can completely trust a person undoubtedly. 2) be sarcastic and witty. 3) be confident and annoying as hell.

Apparently, it was working.

"Nyx..." he growled.

"Oh, I do love the sound of you growling my name. It's kinda hot..." I smirked at him and his cheeks turned a bright red.

"Cut. To. The. Chase." Raven commanded, moving to stand next to her leader.

"Alright, alright. Sheesh, Rave. Taking the fun out of it. It's okay though, I forgive you. Anyways, I'm here because I need a place to stay. I've been on the run for so long, I thought that maybe finding a place to stay for a while would be a nice change. And what better to choose than the group of heroes like myself? That is, if you'll have me, of course." I watched the reactions. Cyborg was smirking, Beast Boy's mouth was wide open, Star's was similar to Beastie's and Raven had a slightly surprised look on her face. But Robin's, Robin's was priceless. He looked enraged.

"You want to what?!" he yelled.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you going deaf, Robbie? I asked permission to live in the tower of crime-fighting superheroes."

"Quite the bluntly," Starfire muttered. I rolled my eyes in response to her.

"No. Nope. No way. We don't even know you or what you can do!" Robin exclaimed.

"Take me to your training area and I can show you." I was on fire today! So much sass!


I was led to the training area and I smirked at it. Piece. Of. Cake. I kicked off the ground, straight into the air, flying at a speed of at least 55mph. I angled myself downwards and headed towards the dummies below. I created a forcefield and shot it through the lines of dummies before swerving through the remains. Next was the hurdles. I used my powers of telekinesis to stack the hurdles neatly before zipping through another line of dummies, invisible, my Stygian Iron dagger chopping heads off this way and that.

Lastly was a wall I had to scale - without my powers. I smirked and dropped to the floor. I backed up a few steps and ran forward before doing a couple cartwheels and then a back handspring that flung me well over the wall. On the other side stood the Titans, looking quite surprised.

I blew the hair out of my face and smirked. "So, what'd you think?"

"I think we need to have a team meeting to discuss. Please feel free to roam the kitchen." Robin said formally before forcing his teammates back to the common room. I smiled and floated to the kitchen, digging through their pantries to look for Oreos. I found some in the far corner cabinet and got myself a glass of milk to go along with it.


"I don't trust her!" Robin exclaimed.

"But why not! Bro, she could totally kick your ass! Or at least mine!" Beast Boy exclaimed.

"Robin, she'd just be staying here, I don't understand why you're holding back on this," Cyborg agreed.

"I am not the fan of the girl by the name of Nyx, but I must agree with Cyborg and Beast Boy, she would do well for the team and could help us out if necessary." Starfire admitted.

"Raven? What do you think?" Robin asked her.

Raven shrugged. "Did you see the way she turned invisible back there? That was pretty impressive. I say we keep her. At least for now."

Robin groaned but agreed. "Fine, fine. She can stay with us."


I was chewing on an Oreo when the team entered the kitchen. I put my glass of milk down and looked at the Titans with a curious look as I continued to chew.

With a sigh, Robin pulled out a communicator. "Welcome to the tower."

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