Chapter 1 The new cast member

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I was sitting in the living room reading the latest headlines about me and Tom. I found it funny what the reporters wrote about both of us, but everything they wrote was not true. On the next article, I saw a picture of me and Tom walking out of a restaurant together. The headline above the picture made me laugh.

"What are you laughing at, darling?" I heard someone behind me say. I turned around and saw Tom standing behind me. I handed him my phone and he saw the picture and then read the headline out loud. "Y/N Jones and Tom Hiddleston are leaving the restaurant after a romantic date. Really? Can't they think of anything better?" he said and handed me my phone.

"I know, but I still think it's funny that there making such a fuss about my private life."

"Darling, you find everything the reporters say about us both funny. And none of what they say is true."

"Tom, you know what I think about what reporters write about us. As long as they don't overdo what they write, I won't say anything."

"I know. Come on we have to go or we'll be late for the set." he said now and I got up from the couch. I followed Tom to the car and we both drove to the film set. To be honest, I was extremely nervous. My character that I play in the Marvel Movie was shown at the end of the last movie. My character brought Pietro back from the dead. The others didn't know anything about my character, this would only be revealed today on the film set. The closer we got to our destination, the more nervous I got.

Scarlett POV

We were all on set. Even Aaron was there, his character was brought back from the dead at the end of the last movie. None of us knew who the person who brought his character Pietro back was. And when we asked Aaron, he didn't give us an answer. "Come on Aaron, tell us what you know." It came from Lizzie now when she went to Aaron.

"You know I'm not allowed to say anything."

"In situations like this, I really wish I could read minds like Wanda."

"Be patient, just a little longer. The two of them should be here any moment." we heard our boss Kevin Feige say. Before either of us could ask who he meant, we heard footsteps behind us.

"Sorry we're late, the traffic getting here was hell." we now heard Tom Hiddleston say. We all turned to him and next to him was Y/N Jones. I took a good look at her. She was a good deal taller than me. She looked much prettier in reality than in the pictures.

I could tell she seemed to be getting nervous, I wasn't the only one looking at her. Everyone was staring at her, everyone here knew the rumors about her and Tom. And since she and Tom came on set together, I wondered if there was any truth to the rumors.

3rd Person POV

With all eyes on Y/N, she became extremely nervous. She had a panic attack. Tom, noticing this, pulled her into his arms and stroked her back comfortingly. "Stop staring at her like that. She doesn't like it when people stare at her like that. It makes her nervous and she gets panic attacks." said Tom now and you could hear everyone apologizing.

After Y/N had calmed down again, she introduced herself to the other.

"I'm Y/N Jones. I'm 29 years old and I'm hoping for a good working relationship."

"Y/N plays Anastasia Maximoff. The younger sister of the Maximoff twins. She brought Pietro back to life." said Kevin now.

After discussing which scene would be shot first, everyone changed.

shooting the scene

I was on the run. The Avengers somehow found me. Which was no wonder after what I did. I brought someone back from the dead.

"There she is." shouted Thor. "Shit, I have to get out of here before the others come." I mumbled now. I kept running, but didn't watch where I was running. In the next moment I found myself on the ground.

I looked down my legs and saw that there were spiderwebs there. "What the hell?" When I tried to take off the spiderwebs, someone snuck up behind me and knocked me down.

When I regained consciousness some time later, I found myself in a cell. "I see you're awake. Answer our questions and we'll let you go." I heard Tony Stark, aka Iron Man say.

I looked around and saw all the Avengers standing in front of the cell. My gaze lingered on two, the twins. "Even if I tell the truth, you wouldn't believe me anyway."

"Try the truth, maybe we'll believe you."

"I'm Anastasia Maximoff."

end of shooting


"And Cut." shouted the director.

"Well done Y/N." it came from Lizzie and Aaron. I had to smile when I heard what the two said now. To be honest, I was still a little nervous. I didn't know most of the people on the set personally. The only two I spent a lot of time with were Tom and Chris H.

Before we could discuss the next scene, my manager walked up to me and she looked worried. Tom, who was standing next to me, also saw her worried look. "Heather what's going on? Has something happened?"

"I got a call, you have to come with me immediately." Heather said now and the whole thing made me really nervous.

Had something happened to him?

A/N: I'm not very good at describing movie scenes. I think this is the only scene I will describe.

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