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The light seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, all at once. It was all Rei could see in the dark, yet also bright void he found himself in. He tried to speak, but before he could get a single word out, he felt his voice cut off. It was as if some unknown entity had possessed his vocal chords.

Suddenly, he heard a voice reverberating throughout his mind, "Welcome to my realm, located beyond both time and space." It wasn't a voice persay; there was nothing distinguishing about it. It blended in with the rest of Rei's thoughts, but it seemed as if it had been implanted there, and was pulsating through his brainwaves, demanding attention.

"It is well that thou art here," the voice continued. "I am that which humans call Arceus." Arceus, that word sounded familiar to Rei. Something about... a flute. And ruins. As soon as the memory resurfaced, it was gone, lost in the cascading waves of Rei's mind.

"Rei..." How did the voice know his name? Then again, how did he himself know his own name? All traces of his previous life were gone, but that single word persisted. The voice continued, "Soon thou shalt find thyself in a world strange to thee. A world inhabited by wondrous creatures that humans call 'Pokémon.' Rei.... Seek out all Pokémon, and thou shalt find me once more."

Rei tried to raise his voice above the current running through his mind, begging to ask who this being was, what he wanted with him, but he was unable to speak.

The chance was gone.

Rei was falling. Falling at a rapid pace through the void. His phone, some device that he somehow knew the name of, fell from his hands, and was touched by a golden glow emanating from a being made of pure light. The phone burst into life and transformed into a lighter version of itself, infinitely unlike the phone Rei had let go of mere moments ago.

The void was finally, entirely consumed with light, and everything around Rei vanished.

Pokemon Legends: ArceusWhere stories live. Discover now