Chapter 1

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"Yes I can! 100 Percent.. SUNDAY CANNON!" Isaiah yelled out.

"Not unless I can help it.. Indestructible Bubble of Nice Things. IBNT. I made it my own." Elizabeth smiled and she puts a large bubble in front of the Sunday Cannon, almost being destroyed but inevitably being stopped.

"Wait the.. damn you two!" Isaiah then gets tooken down in one hit by Eric.

"This idea you had sure is amazing Michael!" I say to Michael.

"I know that already.. I am always amazing. Working out on other planets with far more intense conditions and gravity has always been a wonder for me. So instead of a machine that'll make the gravity intense, why not just take them to the planet? So I decided to make them be able to breathe in space and not instantly get killed. Luckily since they're so powerful they don't need a suit, they just need to be able to breathe in space. So I designed the perfect equipment and sure enough- we're here now." Michael explained.

"Get him now!" Elizabeth yells to Eric.

"SUPER MEGA PLANETOID GIANT!!!!!" Eric screamed and a large planet sized giant appeared, that had a strong gravitational pole that sucked the entire planet in.

"Eric! You're going to take us down with it too! Stop it now!" Elizabeth yells to Eric.

"TOO LATE!" Eric says and the giant begins to lower it's finger right there at Isaiah.

"Got it!" Blake appeared and he stops the giant, lifting it even and blasting it back out of the way.

"DAMN YOU BLAKE!!!" Eric then runs at Blake and hits him right in the face with a large Boulder like rock. Blake got knocked back to the floor after suffering the Boulder to the face.

"Stop him!" Elizabeth says and Isaiah tries to shoot a beam at the boulder, but it sucks in the energy from Isaiah's beam. Then Jem and Jack appear all just to put energy into Eric's rock, increasing it's power greatly.

"READY? SET! GO!" Eric yells and shoots out a purple and yellow glowing electrified ball right at them. He shoots multiple as a machine gun and destroys parts of the planet. But then some of the balls were teleported right before impacting them, Saryn had teleported them away.

"Well done Saryn! Let me take care of this now.." Barock then drops in with Rihanna and Pluto, both boosted up by Rihanna.

"Get them!" Rihanna tells Barock and Pluto. Then Pluto shoots himself right at them, splitting apart his body parts into missiles and charging at the other team, as Barock traps them all in his roots. It wasn't until Heather appeared, making a large tsunami appear out of nowhere as they both are about to clash together. Then right at they were about to both hit.

"STOP!" Lawrence yelled. Then we all froze, and turn to see Lawrence standing there. "I have important news." Lawrence says. Everyone then goes back normal, escaping the traps, releasing their attacks to the sky, and Heather sucking in all the water into one big blob in the sky. "We've found it out.. the bomb... From several months ago. It seems to be a special Chinese bomb. With enough power to destroy the entire galaxy, yet it's all condensed into one little bomb. Making it a compact bomb. All that power would've killed us all!" Lawrence says.

"Good thing I stopped it in time." I say.

"Yes. However true, I have some more news. The war. It's beggining. And it's beggining now, and so is your last year of highschool. Your senior year. Everyone, this is your last year of highschool. So I want you all to give it your all in this war. For the enemy has grown vastly in strength as well. They're probably stronger than us.." Lawrence said.

Super (Part 4): Senior Year, The WarWhere stories live. Discover now