Chapter 1 New Professor

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything. There's some cursing, and terrible grammar. 

I know that Delirious has a sister, but she'll be as his twin. There will be a lot of first names within the story.

Some of the people may be around similar, older, or younger age and OC.

Technology is more advanced than our time.


Jonathan POV:

Light seeps into my room basking it in brightness. I know the blinds were drawn down, pulled from another night game session, yet there was always some light penetrating my blinds. Go away light, no one wants you! I pull my covers over my head to block out those evil rays. I have this feeling that I have something important to do, but right now I don't really care. I just want to sleep.

The door automated slide open, and someone enters as I try to go back to my dream. Familiar shuffles of someone trying to be silent yet fail tiptoes to my bed. I smile under my cover anticipate it then begin a countdown.

3. There were some shuffles and soft curses.

2. More loud tiptoes.

1. A gentle grip of my covers.


"WAKE UP, YOU BASTARD!" Jennifer, (just making up a name) my fraternal twin, yells at me. She shakes me while she pulls my warm cover to wake me up. I tug back it from her as she grabs it turning into our daily game of tug-of-war, our somehow strange morning routine. We have some things in common except:

1.) Jennifer is a female, of course, and has softer features. Her eyes are gentle yet wild, and mine is cold.

2.) She, having longer hair than me, passed her shoulder and tied up to a low ponytail while my hair was a short boyish haircut.

3.) She is more expression and outgoing than me, the stoic one.

Because of number three, people like her more than me, but she knows me the best as I know her. Just because I don't like talking and expressing myself much at school doesn't mean I can't. Well, I'm a bit livelier at home than school, just our family's blood is more active on her. Our family blood, our delirious side gave us that kind of personality. It triggers by almost anything or by our personality, curse, or blessing, it has been in our bloodline for generations. Dad mentions it makes us, well, different, 'insane.' The lucky ones are the ones who married into the family. Jennifer and I got it from our dad. Though our mother can kind of wheel us back, man, she has that mean mother look that could almost repeal it.

Usually, I have strict control; sometimes, it is better to bottle it up until I go on another gaming spree to let it all out. I guess why some players call me crazy. But hey, it's better to be an emotionless and scary prick than insane sound one that people judge. That side... sometimes scares my family.

4.) I'm muscular than her, yet this woman can fight.

I'm not ready to face the world yet. Let me sleep. You crazy b!tch!

"C'mon, you always do this morning!" Jennifer whined, pulling the sheet. I tug back in response.

YOU'RE the one who applies for those classes. THEN you added those for me too because YOU want me to move this early.

"So," I reply. Don't wanna!

"I heard we have a new professor for our class this semester," Jennifer said she pulls my cover toward her. One day, my cover is going to tears from this abuse. Oh well. So what. Who wants to know about a new bastard teaching us this time?

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