kimy was waking and saw piers and said 'wow hot oh wait is this in my head or out loud woah oops ok' and piers said 'stfu dumb bith' and they wresled (idk how to spell it) and pieirs got on top of kimmie and kimmiy burpped on piers and piers came on kimmys face
at the wedding
'kimmy fred i luv u bb xx'
'i luv u too piers even if ur a pokemon n this is borderline zoophilia xx'
and they peed forever wow ok
after wedding
they are figting
'kys piers'
piers killed itself and kimmy cried
'wahh waaaahhh my poke-poo died! WAAAAAAHHHH"
'shut up' the sexy neibor yeled heeheheehehheheeee
'wow ur so sexy lets sex' kimmy said
but per cam bac from the hopiter!
'get away from my husban' peir yeld!
and they vored eachother and kimster was alon