Chapter one

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Hello I revoke this so if you want skip this cringy chapter and go to the next one thank you!

Today was the last
day of summer before starting my third year in high school. At the end of every summer my family and I would go to the only Chinese restaurant in town and afterwards the kids and adults split and my cousins and I go to the arcade.

This has been
The tradition since my oldest cousin's first year in school. He was feeling nervous so aunt Elizabeth suggested going to eat and the arcade. Nathan never fails to mention how he started the tradition every time we went to the arcade. It was a fun moment and I enjoyed it and we've done it every year that is until today.

Normally aunt Elizabeth
And uncle Ronald would be pulling up in a black SUV with nathan, Eliza, and Tate to follow our blue Honda Civic with my parents, my little brother Cole and me.

This year, instead of
Us all in the Chinese place lashing the first day nerves off, I'm sitting on my couch with a Chinese takeout container in front of me, texting Nate for the details on aunt Elizabeth's checkup.

A few months ago
Aunt izz was diagnosed with Brest cancer. After that the hole family spent most of the summer in the hospital with her, or in the house taking turns babysitting 6 month old Tate.

The sound of crashing
upstairs brakes me frome my daze. I emeadiatly drop my phone on the couch and run up the winding wodin staircase to see my little brother halfway out of his bedroom door with a box of toys and Lego's spilling out onto the floor.

I try to stop but before
I could my bare foot lands on a yellow leggo. I jump back cursing 'shit' The pain shoots straight up my leg and put of instinct I reach for something to hold onto. My hand grips the wall mirror and it wobbles but stays up. I stand like that for a moment until the pain slows to a pulling sting like after shocks.

I yell thought gritted teeth and I look to see cole start to pour and I stand to my full 5.5 hight compared to his 4.1 I was a Giant. I wooden have been so mad or things went going on with aunt Izzy, not to mention babysitting Tate and my 5 1/2 year old brother with no help and no news of my aunt's checkup.

Then I heard a
cry, it was faint but I knew that cry very well it was that The crash had broken her up from her afternoon nap. I also heard my phone ring at the same time. My mind flu from my phone to the crying baby back to my phone then to the mess on my phone then to cole.

"Go get my phone
and go to tates crib." I told Cole as I made my way to my bedroom where Tate were sleeping in a pop-up crib. Things were getting stressful because after tonight I wouldn't be able to take care of tate as much because of school starting up again. Batman I wouldn't be able to join the art club this year most likely and I wouldn't be able to stay after school as much or go out with friends more.

I wasn't complaining
by any means it was better than going through what aunt izzy was going through well maybe I was a little complaining but I didn't mean to who could blame me? I opened my bedroom door and saw tate screwing around serving his hands in the air and his feet kicking. I left her up and cradled her rocking back and forth That's when I heard cole talking as he walked up to stairs.

'hes mad-no....i-"
I couldn't tell who he was talking to but he was being questioned so I assumed mom. "I was packing I could go visit auntie izzy...." His voice got closer and closer and tell he was in the doorway explaining what happened. "Here it's mom" he mumbled and went to the hallway to clean.

I rocked Tate in
my arms and her green eyes flutters fighting sleep, I situated the phone between my shoulder blade and ear."how is she" I cut straight to the point. My mom sighted "I'm sorry to leave you with the kids again Josh is swinging by to get them to take them to daycare tomorrow before your bus get there, I can have him drop you off at school if you want?" Moms voice was tired.

Josh was
My uncle, cade's (he doesn't live here josh moved here for school) only son, and he was in his 2nd year of nursing school. My uncle had three other children but they were all girls violet, she was in her last year of high school and left with her dad out of town Amy, she was in her second year of middle school also loved out of town and Charlotte, she was in her third year of elementary school.

I nodded and than
realized she couldn't see me through the phone. "If Josh is okay with that yeah" I had shuffling and I could tell Mom was flipping through papers I could also have a faint beeping of the heart monitor. "How is she?" I asked again after not receiving an answer the first time.

My mom cleared
her throat and spoke so quietly I could barely hear her."she's asleep right now she's exhausted we just went through a round of chemo....I think-" she started but tate cried. "Mom I'm sorry but she's hungry... So I'm guessing you won't be home tonight?" I didn't need an answer but I wanted to know. By the silence I knew the answer."Ok love you bye-" shifting the baby so my right hand was free, I hung up.

"Let's get you some food Tat."

996 words

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