The First mission (pt2)

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As Twister was causing havoc in Happy Harbour causing tornadoes everywhere chucking boats and cars in the air, a few heroes were there trying to stop the havoc but were knocked out by Twister as they weren't properly trained and didn't have quirks for defence, people were screaming and running away as boats fell on top of them "Simply this will get their attention." Twister said as Spiderman said "No but we're here!" The robot seems to somehow get angry yelling at Spiderman and Kid Flash who were near him yelling as Kid Flash ran at him and Spiderman punched his face causing a dent in the steel "You insignificant insects that I can longer ignore!"

Super fell from the sky with his hands being held together as he is about to smash Twister on his hands but Twister barely dodged sending a huge tornado at them as he crushed the ground lifting up some ruble chucking it at Spiderman as his spider-sense goes off dodged webbing the ruble and twisted it around him before lets go of his web as the ruble hits Twister "You will be killed, you insolent fools." As he launches a tornado at Spiderman, meanwhile as Miss Martian inside the bio-ship flies over Happy Harbour as she says to Tornado "The team needs your help." As Tornado replies "If I intervene it will not be to help, however it is an odd coincidence that this 'Mister Twister' has my same elemental ability and my immunity to telepathic attacks."

As Tornado says that Miss Martian face palms saying "Hello Megan." As this is happening Robin and Aqualad  jump over a car charging at the rampaging villain, Aqualad gets launched by wind attacks first being picked up by a tornado then being sent flying by the wind strikes,  as Spiderman tries, and fails, to web catch him just barely missing as he slams against a building breaking part of it, another hero known as General Patriot sprints at the robot sending a weak energy blast but it saw General's strongest attack as he screams "PHOTON CANNON!!!" But it barely scratches Twister's steel body as Twister basically bitch slaps the hero into oblivion as the hero smacks his head against a stone wall.

While that happens Kid Flash sprints at the tornado robot only for his kick attack to be deflected as he is thrown to the side, Twister sends a tornado at Kid Flash, as Kid Flash speeds off away from the attack Robin chucks miniature bombs from the utility belt which he never leaves the house without, as they explode, Twister redirects the incoming attacks with his tornadoes hitting Spiderman in the process, Superboy leaps at the robot just smacking the ground at the old location of the villain.

Superboy gives a death glare at the villain as Twister launches a tornado at him launching him into the sky as Superboy lands on Aqualad who had just gotten up, Twister lifts a boat from the sea, Spiderman seeing this yells at the two teenage heroes still standing "ROBIN YOU ATTACK FROM THE FRONT, FLASH YOU ATTACK FROM THE BACK, I WILL ATTACK FROM THE SKY!!" As Twister throws the ship Spiderman catches it with his webs slamming it down on Twister with Robin chucking explosive robinrangs at the robot with Kid Flash first kicking the villain.

The kick from Kid Flash is first pushing him towards Robin, Robin chucks the robinrangs at the villain as he goes to attack Kid Flash stabbing Twister in his back with the boat then crashing down on top of the villain as the robinrangs explode destroying the boat in the process, the weakened Twister with his right arm now having fallen off and his right eye not being there anymore stands up "You will die for what you just did." Twister says looking less menacing having been broken.

As Superboy and Aqualad get up as Miss Martian uses her telepathy on her teammates to talk to them saying "Listen to me, all of you." As Superboy yells out "What did we tell you?!" With Miss Martian speaking through telepathy "I know, I know I messed up but now I'm very clear on whatwe need to do, please trust me." Suddenly Red Tornado flies through the sky saying "Hit the showers boys, I was hoping you could handle this clearly you cannot." As Robin says "But we've got a plan now."

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