Hell itself

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Elegant, blue skies. Lovely fresh watery air fill my surroundings as I patiently walk towards the collage doors. As I walk closer, the blur becomes less dense as I'm able to see. I push up my black glasses against my nose, holding my grip with the books. I feel air rush onto my face immediately as I open the large door that stands in front of me. I look at the white large paper, with bold printing spelling out, "GULF COLLAGE TOUR". My first class is art. I've always found art and writing a fascinating function. I enjoy spending my time doing them. I walk down the halls, feeling my heels press up against the glossy, clean floors. I find myself in front of the art room, leaving myself opening the door. I find a few students already getting stuff done. I look at the chock board on my right and see white, cursive hand writing. "DRAW WHAT IS PLACED ABOVE". I look at the little figure that stood on a stool near the board. I sat myself down in an empty seat, and began drawing. I did a quick gesture of the figure, moving on to the contour. "Nice drawing man!" I hear a annoying voice that was in my eardrums. The pain shot through my head, already giving me a headache. I glance over to see a spiky red head boy, giving me a toothy grin. Kind of reminds me of a shark. I push up my round glasses up my nose slightly. "Your already becoming a bother." I mumbled continuing my sketch. I felt him staring at the back of my neck. I felt goosebumps all along my back, to my neck. God damn him. "What?" I turn my chair, facing the red head. He stopped smiling after a while. "I just wanted to see you work since your so talented and independent!" He grinned again. I just scoffed while flipping him off. Best way to get rid of someone. I don't think he left. I still felt eyes on my back. Does this idiot ever give up? I turn my chair again. "Want to be friends?—" he asks in a cheerful tone. I just move my hands up and down, trying to flee him away. He frowns dramatically. "Oh, come on man! We'd have so much fun together!" He says mournfully. I make a loud sigh, making everyone stare. I look at him again. "If it makes you fuck off, go for it." I spat. He smiled ear to ear almost falling out of his chair he pulled up to me. "You should totally show me how you draw. Step by step!"

After art class, we are given a free period. The redhead kid is hell itself. I hope he isn't my dorm mate. Then I'd really be in deep shit. Might as well find out who it is. I took out the same white sheet of paper. The printed writing said that my dorm room number was 'room 708'. I shoved the paper back into my bag and walked outside. It was a windy day and birds were flying everywhere. I stopped for a moment and took a deep breath in, then exhaled. I continued walking and found the separate building where the dorms are. I found my room, 708. I walked to it throwing out my key and unlocked it. I opened it. The room was freshly clean. There were paintings that were placed along the walls to keep it decorated nicely. It was an ocean themed house. Reminds me of a beach house of Im being honest. Everything was blue. The walls, the paintings, the decore. Even some of the furniture were blue. Blue wasn't my favorite color; but it kind of changed after seeing this beautiful mess. I smiled and smelled the air of the room, shutting the door softly behind myself. Smells like candles were lit, and flowers are in here. It smells like...coconut. I look over and see red, purple and pink flowers in a mini coffee table that sat on top of the living room carpet. Valentine's Day is around the corner after all. I see some small specks of other individual colors that are Valentine's Day related. Now I'm beginning to smell coffee. I find a kitchen that is only a few steps away. My own kitchen? Wow, am I impressed. Just as I thought my luck was going to stay. I find that idiotic redhead from art class making coffee. Well shit. "Oh! Hey roomie!" The redhead turns his head, grinning. "Great." I mumble to myself. I drop my bag on the kitchen counter and wash my hands in the sink. "Funny that we're roommates, eh?" I rolled my eyes after drying my hands off with a towel that was placed on the ovens handle. It has waves from an ocean. Pretty nice I can admit. "Just to clear things up, I'm Eijirou Kirishima!" He said smiling wide. He looked like he wanted me to say my name, but I'd rather not have an annoying five year old call my name six hundred times. "Nice." I replied. He took the lid off the coffee maker and started pouring himself a cup. "And yours?" He said a little muffled since he's filling his mouth with coffee. I roll my eyes while walking over to open the pantry door. I grab some plain chips and walk out the door before he can say anything else.

Damn. I can't believe I have that moron as my roommate. Anyone else would suffice. Glad I walked out before he could say anything else. After a few classes the day was gone. I walked out the main doors, and felt the breeze his my face again. It felt nice. Back at home it's usually cold and it rains a lot, but here it's warm, with a cold breeze. It's refreshing and nice. I don't want to go to the dorms to find that idiot there. Whatever though, I'll just go somewhere else.

1010 words~

First day of hell {KIRIBAKU}Where stories live. Discover now