Patient Zero

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Man Eater/: An animal that has a propensity for killing and eating humans. 


It was the end of the school day, students were cleaning up left and right. Beds were being remade in the infirmary, floors were being swept, and the evening announcements played while everyone worked.

June Mae-Lynn had just finished her duties and was walking back to her class room to pick up her bag, anxious to meet with her friends again and get home. One of them, Hyeon-Ju, had gone missing after they split up at the science lab.

Ignoring the feeling digging itself into her gut, she grabbed her bag and walked out of Hyosan High school and into the courtyard. She quickly spotted Cheong-San, I-sak, and two other friends grouping up.

Despite how much she hated cardio, she took off running to meet them before they forgot about her. Before she knew it, she was on her ass and dizzy. "Ow, this is why I don't run." 

A hand waved in front of her face. "Need help?" The familiar voice of Gwi-nam filled her ears.

"Oh uh, yes please." She blushed in embarrassment, gladly taking the help. Even if he was a bully, you should always treat people with kindness, right? Once on her feet she dusted herself off and made sure nothing had fallen from her bookbag. "Thank you Gwi-nam!" 

"You really shouldn't be so clumsy." He warned teasingly.

"I know, I was just excited to see my friends." Mae-Lynn tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Uh speaking of, I should get going. Thank you again!" She smiled and took off running again, thankfully not falling over in the process. 

She caught up to her friends after a bit, panting. "Ah, you guys could have waited you know?" She groaned and held her stomach as she attempted to get air back into her lungs.

"Sorry Mae-Lynn! We're going with Cheong-San to taste his mom's new recipe. Want to come?" Gyeong-Su greeted. 

"Hmmm, I don't know. Mom wants me to come home and do my homework." Mae-Lynn frowned. "And I really should."

"Aww come on Mae-Lynn." On-Jo pleaded.

She sighed, she truly hated having to miss out on stuff but she also really did need to study. "I really can't, I'm sorry. But I'm sure the new recipe will taste great!"

"Of course it will, It's Cheong-San's mom!" Gyeong-Su chuckled. "We'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Of course! Oh and if you guys see Hyeon-Ju can you tell me, I have gossip to spill." She grinned and began walking off. "See you tomorrow!"


The next day Mae-Lynn made her way through her morning duties after getting ready for school, then took off. She was always glad that she lived close by. Other students waited to cross the street, while she had crossed long ago and simply walked into the courtyard to wait for Hyeon-Ju.

But surprisingly, she never showed. That bad feeling from yesterday quickly grew back again, making her anxious and worried. As she walked she spotted Gwi-Nam and a few others walking the opposite way. 

Mae-Lynn knew Hyeon-Ju hung out with them a lot, and hoped they knew where she was and why she was unable to be contacted. "Hey, Gwi-nam! Have you seen Hyeon-Ju since yesterday? She's never been so distant before."

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