Part 1

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"How's that, boy?" You ask your horse, rubbing his nose, grinning. He nods his head and you laugh. You lean your forehead to his head and close your eyes. A scream makes its way through the walls of the barn and your eyes open. You lift your head, your eyebrows drawing. "Did you hear that?" You ask your horse, who's eyes are wide with fear. His tail flicks and he fidgets nervously. Another scream comes your way and your horse rears up on his hind legs. You jump back and run to the window. Your eyes widen. "No!" You gasp, seeing your house on fire. You run to the barn door and try to open it. It won't open. "This is impossible. I didn't lock it." You grunt, shaking the door. "Ha! I did." A raspy voice says. You look up and see an Orc in the hayloft, holding a torch. "Goodbye." He states, dropping the torch on to the dry hay. "No!" You shout. Pieces of flaming fire fall down to your level, sparking up sacks, more hay, and wood. You slam your shoulder into the door, trying to break it open. Your horse neighs and bucks wildly.
You try every door and nothing. You try to break open the windows but every one is stuck. You're trapped. Your horse breaks out of his stall and starts running around the barn, trying to escape. You run into a stall to grab a bucket of water and then suddenly the whole ceiling collapses. "Ah!" You scream, covering your head. Your stuck between the wall and the burning, broken ceiling. The fire crackles and spreads Your pants catch fire and you yelp. Your legs burn and you let out a blood curdling scream. "Help me!" You shout with agony. "Help me!" You sob.~
You feel a hand around your throat and your eyes open, ridding yourself of the horrific nightmare. You stare into the angered eyes of Thorin, who's leaning over you. "I said be quiet!" He hisses. "I-I don't understand." You say, blinking. "You were screaming for the past minute and you wouldn't shut your mouth." He grits out, his eyes flashing with fury. "I'm sorry. I had a nightmare." You say. Thorin tightens his grasp on your neck and you feel immediately feel the lack of oxygen. "Oh, you're going to be sorry." He whispers. "Th-Thorin. Think about this. This is real-really stupid." You choke out. You gasp, your eyes widening. He presses your neck into the pillow and you feel yourself falling into a black hole. "What are you doing, Thorin?" Kili yells, running into the room. He lunges for Thorin and rips him away from you. You lean over and take in a huge breath, coughing. You pant and stare at Thorin in fear. "What were you doing to her?" Kili asks, coming to your side. "She was screaming in her sleep. She probably woke up everyone in Erebor." Thorin answers, glaring at you. Kili pulls you into his arms and you latch on to him. "She had a nightmare, Uncle. You were killing her because she had a nightmare. That wasn't her doing!" He exclaims angrily. "Go back to your room. Fili and I will deal with you later." Kili states, narrowing his eyes at Thorin. Thorin huffs and stalks off.
"Are you okay?" Kili asks, turning to look at you. You rub your neck, nodding. "Yeah." You say, breathless. "I'm so sorry." He says. "I don't know what's came over him." He adds. "I do. It's the Dragon Sickness." You say and then bite your lip. "It's corrupting him with each hour. Each second." You state. Kili sighs and slumps. "I need to go talk with Fili. Will you be okay by yourself?" He asks. You nod. "Yeah, I'll be fine." You say, giving him a quick smile. He kisses your head. "Okay. Rest well." He says. "I'll try." You whisper, shuddering.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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