"I never knew much about people until I took one apart to see how they work."
By: Michael Green"What are they?" I thought as they scurried about the schoolyard. A few gazed upon my residence from the yard. It felt as if they were staring into my soul. I hear a raspy voice say "They have been watching us for a long while, plotting." "No!" I exclaim, "They shall never see such a monster!" "Monster?" It asked almost dumbfounded "You? A monster?" I turn to confront the presence. Nothing. Silence filled the room like water to a tub. I begin to panic, looking from room to room for the mysterious figure, dungeon to dungeon. One of them looked into my eyes and pleaded for me to let it go, I declined saying, "For this, your death will be the least agonizing." "No! No! No!" It screams as I walk out of the dungeon. I flip the switch to turn on the flame under the metal floor. I hear it scream, "No, Oh God, you bastard! You will never get away with this!"
Months pass as I listen to the recorded screams of my subjects. I decide to get another, I shall dissect this one, to see how they work.
I apply make-up to appear more human. I add a bit of blood from a subject to make it appear as if I was hurt. I bang on my door, screaming, "Help! Help me! Please, anyone!" When anyone passed, it took a few tries to lure a good hearted soul. I remove a knife from my belt and covet it's mouth, I bring it inside and carve my mark on the cheek of the subject. A "K" for "Karver" both my name and my alias. I lock it in the dungeon to starve for 6 days, I only give it water. It pleads to me, "Sir, what are you doing? Please free me!" I sharply reply, "No." On the sixth minute of the sixth hour of the sixth day I was to commence the dissection.
I drag it into the redroom. It is barely able to move, dieing from hunger. "Your time has neared my dear." I say gently. I hear the precommencment bell. "Time to strap in" I say excitedly. I strap it in, it squirms the entire time. I wait after I am finished to hear the bell. It rings. I use a knife to scalp my subject to the bone. After this is done I use my hand saw to cut open the skull, lifting it off of it's head. I peel the brain out of its case slowly to see how long the victim could survive. I sever the brain stem to kill the subject. I set the brain on a separate table and grab a scalpel. I make an incision under the breastplate and grab the heart. "Still beating!" I say excitedly. I rip it out and take one large bite. I walk to the brain, I cut a chunk of it and eat it. Both samples were delicious. I sever the brain into two. As I begin to study the organ it shimmers and everything seems to connect in certain ways, I begin to understand the importance of being social and loving others.i become awestruck and I free the other subjects. After they had left I decided my time was over. I turn on a firecell and crawl in. I think to myself, "I never knew much about people until I took one apart to see how they work." As I take my final breath, I whisper, "I'm sorry."
This story is completely fictional.
no one has been harmed. Thanks for
reading, it means a lot. -Michael Green