[5] Kiss

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"Oo rey ishq tujhe yaad roz karti!
Oo rey ishq tu mujhko bohot tadpati!"

Pramod's pov,

Mr. Pramod Chautala, the famous businessman who has the power to do anything. Yeah its me!

I was lying on my bed. Thinking about what happened an hour ago. What i did!

"Miss. Susheela Ruhail ! I have waited fucking four years for you and today finally i met you. I got a chance to touch you my love!" I smiled saying this

"Boss! We couldn't find her. Her family don't want to talk about her!" this were the words ringing in head right now.

I did every possible to find her. Even went to her home. But no use! She ran away.

And finally today i saw here!

Wet in water she was looking even more beautiful. I went to help her. I felt a current running through my veins when i touched her hands and again when i held her arms. So tiny one!

She still loves arguing! I laughed thinking this.

But how does she knows Vishal Chauhan. Do they have any connection? No i have her all family details. I have to find out about this matter. I can't let her to meet a man like Vishal.

At the party, she was looking like a fairy in that dress. Her antics! Her talks! I just want to hold her in my arms. To love her like no one ever did.

We danced. She looks so good in my arms. As we moved along the music, i roamed my hands on her fragile body. Soft!

She was so near that i just want to make her mine right there and then and then-

The lights went off. I can feel her panicking. Moving her head to look around but why? I was just infront of her! As it was the peak of my self control i grabbed her chin and kissed her soft lips.

She stood straight as i moved my lips slowly against her. She opened her soft lips slowly for me. Releasing her upper one i sucked the lower lip before leaving her. I can feel her cheeks warmed up, her hands gripped my shirt tightly as i moved my other hand on the waist.

I left the placed before the light were on.

"Miss Ruhail! Now i will never let you go. You have to be mine forever!"


Susheela's pov,

I was on the way to Mr. Chautala's office. I was appointed as the new receptionist because the old one resigned suddenly. Fuck no! I blackmailed her! he-he!

It was huge building. Someone can easily feel the pain in his neck if he tries to look to the top standing infront of it.

As i settled myself on my placed i kept an eye on each and every person coming in and moving out of the office. Basically i was geting an official detective vibes.

Though it was a boring job but here the coffee is good. My eyes met the same man who was continuosly staring at me since the morning. Dammit!

Its noon. But still no news of Mr. Chautala. Where the hell is he? The hostel staff had said that he left this early morning beg and baggage.

"Good afternoon Sir!"

I heard few people saying this in a line. As i looked i saw My target. I lips formed a curve. But soon i got serious thinking about the kiss. Why?

He was coming towards this way. And-

He saw me!

His gaze! Those eyes!

He smirked looking at me like he was mocking me. Soon i realised that i was touching my lips unknowingly looking at him. I removed my fingers from my lips and went back to my seat when-

"Miss Ruhail ! Nice to see you AGAIN! " his little more weight on the word "again" made me nervous.

No Susheela! Be focused! But how?

He is such a hotty! His suit perfectly fitting his well maintain body, showing his muscles when he moves.  His hair combed back making his forehead shine in pride about what he owns. His eyebrows, dark. His deep eyes surrounding by long eye lashes. His nose perfectly represents his angry nature and his lips. His lips.....

Ugghhhhhh Susheela focus!


At the lunch break everyone was busy with their food when i saw Mr. Chautala going out silently without letting anyone to know. His this behaviour was suspicious.

I decided to follow him. I know it might be dangerous but i have to. More soon i discover his secrets sooner i will be free from this mess! Well hot mess!

I moved my steps towards the large door when-

"Susheela right?" the same man who was staring me came infront blocking the sight.

"Yes" i said with a fake smile

"Myself Anand Sharma!" he said extending his hand for handcheck while my eyes was looking for Mr. Chautala. I saw him talking to someone on call leaning against his car. Please don't go!

"Susheela!" he said again. Bloody man i know my name!

"yes. Nice to meet you!" i said joining my hands into a namastey.

He smiled awkwardly.

"Actually i am in a hurry so can i? " i said

"Yeah i have to go too. Official work you know! I am the most trusted man here!" he was praising himself while i was standing with a fake smile. I saw Mr. Chautala getting inside his car.

"Wait!" i shouted

"What? " he asked

"I mean.. its late.. we should not wait more.. i have to go bye!"

"Where are you going? I can drop you in my new car!"

"I don't want to experience hell so soon!" saying this i left quickly without looking at him.


Where is Mr. Chautala going?

Well thats for today! Hope you like it!

See you soon:)

See you soon:)

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