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ok so

you said you wanna move on right

*squints* yesss?

wanna hang out later?

w the group?

i was thinking more
just you and me


wait fr


where we going 😏

dress warmly when you leave



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lol 👌

i'll pick you up at your dorm


soojin didn't have to wait long before spotting jaehyun's black mustang roll to a stop outside her dorm. a smirk washed over her face as she stepped in, immediately greeted with warmth and sighing.

"you put the seat warmer on for me? what a gentleman," the girl teased as she removed her mask before buckling up, jaehyun grinning lopsidedly.

he was dressed in a simple black shirt, the sleeves rolled up to mid-forearm, and light grey sweats. soojin's lips curled when she spotted the little charlie brown tattoo on his arm, thinking back to how much fun the group had all together.

"so," she started, pulling her hood off to shake her long hair free, "where are we going?"

jaehyun repositioned his singular grip on the wheel, eyes trained on the road as he spoke. "not sure. i didn't really plan ahead."

soojin scoffed and sunk back into the seat, but for some reason, she wasn't even remotely worried. the nighttime scenery was stunning, air warm and tangling delicately with the soft music flowing from the radio. it was nice, honestly.

"i wouldn't mind if we just do this all night. drive around like this." the ravenette confessed, still staring out the window. "can't remember the last time i was in a car sober."

"me neither."

"... wait what?"

after about an hour of driving, the pair ended up at the water resort jaehyun worked at.

soojin looked at a banner as they passed, cocking a single brow before turning back towards the driver. "drippin'? isn't that a little sexual for a water park?"

jaehyun couldn't even attempt to swallow his laugh, his grip loosening on the wheel. "it isn't actually called drippin'. that's just a nickname some customers gave us for fun..." he paused, pulling into a parking spot, his hand remaining on the gear stick as a grip crept up his face.

"that and the fact that our hotels have some of the best beds in the area."

soojin choked, coughing at the sudden explanation—jaehyun's adorably innocent dimple battling hilariously with his suggestive words. he cleared his throat and turned the car off. "but seriously, welcome to limitless."

nodding, the ravenette jumped out of the car and pulled her jacket closer to her frame. "so it's basically great wolf lodge?"

the boy beside her sucked on his bottom lip for a moment before releasing a short chuckle. "i forgot you've been to canada." soojin laughed, guessing that the others in the group viewed this resort chain as korea's original thing.

"how long have you worked here?" the girl admired the empty interior, never having been anywhere like this without screaming children and their irritated parents. she peeked at the pretty boy over her shoulder as he thought about her question.

"a few years? i'm technically the manager, but i like my lifeguarding position."

a slow smile crept up the girl's lips as an idea blossomed between her ears. "really? what if i told you i can't swim?"

jaehyun met her mischievous eyes, his holding their own naughty glint as he watched her silver jacket pool around her feet. "i guess i'd advise you to stay away from the deep end."

"and if i fall in?"

"then i'd have to jump in after you."

by this point, soojin stood in nothing but her undergarments, hands on her hips as she twirled towards the ledge of the pool.

"think fast, pretty boy."

and she jumped in.

•so how do we feel about this pairing

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so how do we feel about this pairing... 😈

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