A Broken Heart Is All That's Left

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Life brings about a variety of shades every day. Just as nature brings different seasons. Within those seasons, you have stormy days, rainy ones, hot days, and cold chilly ones. You may not like some, however, you can't necessarily avoid them. So is true with life - no shade can be dodged or neglected. The sooner we learn to accept that, the better it is. Eventually, it is a learning process, and it all boils down to learning and the mental adoption of it. With experiences, we learn. But then, a bigger question is, what gives us strength that keeps us going? A typical answer to that is, no matter how strong you are, it is unlikely that you can do it all by yourself. You need someone to be with you. Someone who can withstand all the seasons happily. Someone who can be by your side. And often, that someone becomes extremely special to you. That person is the one you fall in love with. You begin to take care of that someone and that someone reciprocates. That someone helps you restore your confidence when your chips are down. That one person in your life can change yours. For anything good that can happen to you, for you to be happy and successful, always remember, that to make it possible, all you need is love.

~ Arvind Parashar

A Broken Heart Is All That's Left

Lost in the depth of his beautiful eyes,
where the ocean of secrets lies.
Like two jewels melted into the snow,
Sparkling as bright as the stars, and his light skin has that radiant glow.

Those kissable lips painted the color of love,
And that brown hair that rested atop his head.

"Kiss me," he had said.
My thoughts went wild, as his breathing increased.
The time slowed, as into each other we mold.

With our tongues dancing together, we were lost in the moment.
Exploring each other.

He ruled me,
Put me off.
Lured me back,
Each one is different from the other.
Many still awaiting me to explore them further.

I inhale his shampoo,
This warm feeling in my body felt so new.

My nostrils were filled with that extra scent,
The extra scent that was just, his.
The most delicious smell I could ever imagine,
Making me feel a rush of adrenaline.

I wanted to breathe him,
Lick him,
Eat him,
And drink him all at once.

To relish him,
to let him know
how much he mattered to me.
Making my heart flip,
As those mesmerizing eyes
shone with glee.

He was all that mattered,
But my dreams were soon shattered.
The moon spin in half,
And skies cried tears on my behalf.
I watched my world fell apart,
The day he chose to depart.

I didn't know what to do,
To get myself back to you.
There was nothing to lose;
I am all but tears and blues.

All the bridges have been crossed
the day our love was lost.

He stole my heart,
You may consider this as theft
"What's left?" someone asked.
A broken heart is all that's left.

~ Ayasa Gray

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