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|your pov|
"Looks like I sprained my foot... Again." I said to my self and lay down on my bed

After a few minutes I got up from my bed and went out of my room and looked for an ice pack when I saw one I went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and put ice cubes in the ice pack, then I went back to my room and sit on my bed then put the ice pack with ice cubes on my sprained foot.

After a few minutes I left my room and went to mom and dad's room to find the first aid kit, when I found it I went back to my room, I sat on my bed and opened the first aid kit and took the compression bandage to put on my foot, I was about to put the compression bandage on my sprained foot then realization hits me.

"I don't know how to put bandage." I said to my self

"I guess I need to watch a tutorial to how to put a compression bandage on your foot." I said to my self

I took my phone in my bag to search a tutorial to "how to put a compression bandage on foot" but my freaking phone is low battery.

"What a life..." I said to my self and got up from my bed and took the compression bandage to me and went to my computer then search "how to apply a compression bandage on your foot"

After a few minutes I already apply the bandage on my sprained
foot it's not perfect but whatever it's my first time to put a compression bandage on my foot at my own cause when I injured my self the one who's putting a bandage on my injuries is my mom, dad, or my sister.

"Come to think... I miss them so much." I said to my self and go to sleep.

|One day later at Raimon|
I was walking to the clubroom when I saw Norika and the others.

"Hey!" I shout and approach them

"Hey [F/N], Good morning!" Norika said and smile

"Good morning." I said

"Your late [F/N]!" Hiyori said to me

"I am? I don't think so." I said to Hiyori

"No, I mean our sponsor just went here earlier and explained what was going to happen when we win on championship!" Hiyori said to me

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah! And also the principal said that he need to reserve the venue for our victory reception!" Hiyori said

"ehh! Isn't that to advance?" I said

"agree." Kozoumaru said

"Isn't it very amazing!" Han chan said

"Yeah, everyone's acting as if we've got the championship made." Goujin said

"I'm sure it's not "everyone"..." Hiro said

We're walking to the clubroom then we saw the students council members, they were in front of us, Anna was there too.

"Yeah, Especially this people." I said agreeing on what Hiro said while looking at the student council member.

"That's Anna san's circle. They look ready to insult us any minute now..." Hiyori said

"agree, agree, now lets go." I said to them.

"Wait don't leave!" The girl with short blue hair wearing glasses said.

"We just want to say..." The girl with green hair said

"Congratulations!" All of the students council said except Anna


"We've completely become your fans!" All of the students council said except Anna san.

inazuma eleven ares x reader [book 1] Where stories live. Discover now