Chapter 16: Hallways & A Street-Side Bench

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The light was beautiful and amazing. His eyes were a hazel color and his black hair was shimmering like the water. I leaned in for a kiss as his thin, rose-red, lips took my kiss. Then suddenly we were walking along a beach coast and as a shooting star shot across the sky we stood in the warm water. We embraced each other as the water over took us and we fell deep into an ocean.

I couldn't breathe and I was fighting to get out of his grasp, but as I let him go he let me go. And I could see he was crying. But I just fought the never ending water to get air. As I broke the surface I felt so guilty and I started screaming his name and I went back down. I searched for what seemed like eternity and I couldn't find him. As I gave up I found myself at the shallow end and he just stood there. Now he was angry, furious, and ugly.

He wasn't yelling, but his silence screamed for attention. He looked deserted and misunderstood. I still approached him and with a wave of my hand I made fire appear. I kissed him and I said I love you. As I walked away he grabbed me and held me. His silence said thank you and I love you too. Then I fell asleep because the fire was so warm and I felt so happy.


"Ugh..." I grunted out. Why is it so stuffy in my room?

I moved over and pushed some pillows out of the way to my window-


This is not my room! My eyes are wide open as I try to gaze around in the blackness. Where am I?

"Hey what time is it?" A voice appeared.

My head hurt so bad and who is talking to me!? Is that a girl's voice?

"Does anyone know what time it is?" This girly voice resounded in my head.

"One second." I answered her. "One pm." Wow did I sleep in. Was I supposed to be somewhere?

I started to check my texts-

"Thanks." She said and followed with a few swear words.

"Who are you?" I said kind of grumpily. She keeps interrupting my thought process and her voice is not good for my hangover.

"It's me Kiah!"

"Shhhhhh...your voice, my hangover, sleeping people, hello?" I said kind of bitchily.

"Sorry. It's me Kiah." She said in a hushed whisper.

"Ohhh, Kiah. I am so sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay. I understand. I just threw up. Hangovers suck." She said.

"You threw up! OMG." I put my hand over my mouth to try to quiet myself down. I got up and started to make my way over to her.

"Watch out. Shane threw up somewhere over there." She warned me

Of course he did. I said to myself.

"When did you get here?" I asked once I made my way over the maze of people.

"I got here around eleven and brought some friends." She answered.

"That explains the multiple people." I said. Wow so many people.

"Who was that guy you were making out with?" She asked. "He's really cute." She started giggling with that final statement.

"Oh, he's someone I'm giving a second chance too." I said. "He broke my heart once and I'm hoping he won't again."

"I know how that goes. All you can do is keep going and think positive." She said as she touched my shoulder.

"I guess. I just don't know how to feel. I feel like he's the one, but at the same time I'm not sure." I said with so much uncertainty.

"But how are you supposed to know? All you can do is have faith that he is and if he's not he's just a lesson learned. No one has all the answers when it comes to love just common sense." She said and gently pulled my chin up. "Don't cry it's gonna be alright."

"I'm not crying. I think I'm gonna puke." And I was up so fast and into the bathroom before I hurled.


Few moments later I was back out and Kiah was laughing.

"What are you laughing about?" I said disdainfully.

"It's just. Oh. Haha. Uhm. Two hungover people trying to talk about love, but here we are all sorts of messed up. I don't know." She said as her laughter started to fade.

And soon we were just sitting there and the apartment started to get lighter as the sun started face on that side of the building.

"Should we wake them up?" I asked.

"Nah, we partied pretty hard last night." She said. "Let them sleep."

Silence started coming back and soon someone grabbed my shoulder.


It was Alex.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Wanna go downstairs and share a smoke?" He asked.

"Sure. Kiah wanna come?" I asked because I didn't want to leave her out.

"No, I gotta go home and get ready for work. You guys have fun." She said and got up.

We all made our way downstairs and cowered away from the light.

"Ugh. It feels like it's piercing my frontal lobe." I said.

"Welcome to my weekends." Kiah said.

"You guys this is nothing!" Alex shouted and he picked me up.

"See ya later Kiah. We have to get together sometime!" I shouted as we made our way down the street.

"Alright! Bye Sammy! It was nice seeing you Alex!!" She shouted after us.

"Nice meeting you Kiah!"

"Bye Kiah!"

We both shouted as he kept walking down the street.

I had this mixed feeling in my stomach. Is this good or bad? No, it's not a feeling of vomit if that's what you're thinking. But could he be the one? Because he's not the one in my dreams, even though I don't even know who he is.

All I know is its summer and it's beautiful out. Trees greener than green, people pounding the pavement, and I'm with Alex. And we are now sitting on a bench sharing a cigarette.

Life is good. No matter how many unanswered questions there are.

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