Chapter One: How They Met

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You know those days where nothing goes right. That was my day today and it didn't appear to be getting any better. I was sitting out the front of Sam's Coffee shop, my best friend Sarah had set me up with some guy who according to her was perfect. I didn't need to be set up with anyone, I was perfectly happy being single. I had only agreed to this meet up to shut her up about this as she described him god-like creature. I don't care how perfect he was, I'd been sitting on the uncomfortable chairs for forty-five minutes like a loser waiting for someone who wasn't going to turn up. Could this day get any more annoying. 

I went inside and ordered myself a coffee, the coffee wasn't great here but it was decent enough. I paid then slumped down in one of the booths near the window. I should have just stayed in bed this morning. I stared out the window while I waited for the girl to bring me my coffee. The sky was clear and blue. It was mid-autumn and the red, orange and bronzed leaves had fallen onto the pathway from the trees that lined the streets, it was actually quite picturesque. I pulled out my sketch book from my bag as the girl set down my coffee on the table. Some people wrote music or read books to escape from reality, my escape was art. It always had been, as soon as I start drawing nothing else seems to matter.

I was just finishing the outlines of the trees outside when he walked through the door. He wasn't particularly attractive, well maybe in a unique sort of way. I couldn't pick it but there was just something about him that I was drawn to. His dark hair was knotted into dreadlocks and pulled back behind his head. He wore dark pants and a worn jacket. He was not someone that I would usually be attracted to, but I couldn't take my eyes off him. He wasn't a local, this was a fairly small town and I have lived here most of my life, I definitely have not seen him before. He walked up to the counter and ordered, the girl smiled and laughed at whatever he said.

He turned and scanned the room while he waited. It took a moment, and I'm pretty sure he was aware that I had been staring at him because he smiled before our eyes met. That smile. He held my gaze as I flushed pink and went back to my art book. Well that was slightly embarrassing. What did Mum always used to say, 'it's not polite to stare'. I'd be more then happy for this day to just end now. I couldn't help it, I looked back over to him and watched as he picked up his lunch. He turned towards the door and hesitated, then he turned back towards me and started walking over. Oh god. What is happening.

"Hi" he said as he sat down on the seat opposite me and started unwrapping his sandwich.

"Hi" I replied feeling slightly confused and a little bit anxious.

Oh my god, what if he is some kind of serial killer passing through town looking for his next victim. Why is he sitting opposite me. My social anxiety and awkwardness started to get the better of me. I had to calmly remind myself that everything was fine.

"I'm Lucas" he said and took a bite from his sandwich.

He was still watching me with his dark brown eyes. There was a softness to them that made me feel at ease, not something that usually happened around people. For some odd reason, I felt comfortable.

"Alexia, but most people just call me Lexi" I replied. "Are you just in town visiting?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm here visiting my Uncle for a few weeks. You?" He said. His eyes and smile have a cheeky kindness to them, however there is something dark hiding behind them. A past, or part of him that he keeps hidden. It's not obvious, but it's there. It intrigued me.

"I live here. Do you always have lunch with strange girls in random coffee shops?" I said sounding a lot more confident then I felt.

He laughed. "No, usually the opposite actually. But, I saw you and couldn't resist. I couldn't let a pretty girl have lunch by yourself."

My cheeks flushed pink and I stared down into my coffee cup smiling. I was such a dork when it came to accepting compliments from people I knew let alone strangers. His eyes were playful as he watched me. My mind was racing, I was still trying to figure out what was happening and at the same time trying not to make a fool out of myself. Be cool Lexi.

We continued talking for hours, about nothing in particular. Just general chat. From his outside appearance, he doesn't look like someone easily approachable, hence my original serial killer assumption. Not that he looks like a serial killer. Not at all. Maybe just someone that your mother would probably warn you to stay away from. However, after talking to him, after you peal away the slightly rough exterior I saw a completely different person. He is polite and genuine. I also got the feeling that he was opening up a lot more then he usually does with people. I don't usually meet and connect with a lot of new people. I smiled. This was an unexpected turn of events for a day where nothing was going right. I certainly did not think Lucas would be someone I would connect and feel at ease with, but I did. We just clicked. It was a very pleasant surprise. I could have kept talking to him all afternoon but we were interrupted by his phone. He took the call and something in him changed. He seemed to harden a bit.

"I'm sorry, I have to go take care of something. It was really nice meeting you Alexia. I will be here again tomorrow. Same time." He said flashing me a smile that suggested he was very aware that he would see me again the next day.

Before I could say anything he had gotten up and walked out the door. I felt my own phone vibrating in my bag. The caller ID told me it was Sarah. My best friend. I didn't really feel like talking to her just yet, but I answered.

"Sooooo, how did it go with Adam? Did I not tell you he was perfect for you!" she said sounding way too excited.

Sarah had a long term boyfriend. They were perfect and totally in love but I think she missed being single sometimes. I think that's why she tried to set me up with people, so she could live vicariously through me. Don't get me wrong, she had introduced me to a couple of really nice people. I just never seemed to click with them, so it never lasted.

"What?" I said momentarily confused, I had still been thinking about Lucas and almost totally forgot why I was in the coffee shop to begin with. "Oh, yeah.. so perfect. He didn't even show up Sarah." humiliation from this morning resurfaced and started to boil inside me.

"Are you serious? Oh Lex, I'm so sorry. Something must have happened, I swear he is totally not like that. I'll find out what happened and..."

"No, don't bother. I'm not interested. It's fine, really. I had lunch with someone else, so it's fine."

"Huh? Who?" she said surprised

"Just someone. It doesn't matter." I swear she could here the smile in my voice. She must have.

"Alexia! Get your butt over here right now and tell me everything!"

And that's how it began.

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