The Melody Of Our Friendship

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Dream laughed; he didn't find anything funny though. He knew his brain wouldn't even be able to process the joke. Dream's mind was too much of a whirlpool at the moment. George hadn't realized anything was wrong with Dream. He never did.

Dream dearly missed Sapnap, that was all that was on his mind at the moment. It was why his mind was a whirlpool. Dream just wanted to see his best friend, who was visiting his other friends. Dream was excited for Sapnap to come back, he had a lot planned. Dream wished he was streaming with Sapnap not George. Yes, George was also his best friend, but it felt like he never talked or did anything with his first best friend, Sapnap.

"Dream?" George's voice broke Dream out of his thoughts.

"Yeah?" Dream replied.

"You alright? You were silent for a while." Dream couldn't hear even a bit of concern in George's tone.

"Uh, Huh. Yeah, sorry." Dream lied. He wasn't, no, he just wanted to see Sapnap. He felt like a little child who wanted their mother.

"Cool. Now as I was saying, chat...." Georges voice faded out.


Before Dream knew it, the stream was over. George had ended the stream.

"I was thinking, maybe, tomorrow we could record a video. I got this really great idea."

"Yeah, sure. I'm free tomorrow. Just send me the time," Dream whispered, not fully comprehending anything. George said his goodnight to Dream then left the call. Dream sighed, finally feeling his head not being a whirlpool. He ended the call and got up. Dream was hungry, he decided to make himself a grilled cheese sandwich.

Dream headed downstairs to the kitchen, he pulled out ham, cheese, and bread. He heated up the stove, Dream took out two pieces of bread, on one piece he put a slice of cheese, on the other he put a slice of ham. He put the two pieces together and the sandwich on a pan on the stove. Dream set a timer for four and a half minutes.

Dream head the sound of someone calling him on Discord. He grabbed his phone from his pocked. His phone read; SappyNap is calling

Dream smiled and quickly answered the call, "Sapnap! Hey!"

"Hey Dream, uh I gotta tell you something." Dream heard the nervous tone in Sapnaps voice.

Dream frowned, "Is everything alright, Sapnap? You sound nervous."

"Ha,ha, thought I did. Uh, so, I'm going to be staying at Karl's a little longer. We had planned to film a video, but it had to be postponed. So, to film the video I'm going to stay a little longer. Is that alright?"

Dream faltered for a second, "Oh, yeah, of course it's fine! Do what you want, Sapnap!"

"Awesome, I promise I'll be back soon! Bye."


Sapnap ended the call. Dream was hoping for Sapnap to announce he was going to be back sooner, but instead he was going to be back later. He knew he shouldn't dwell on it, after all, Sapnap is his own person. The beeping of the timer took Dream from his thoughts.

Dream turned the timer off and took the pan off the stove; accidently burning his hand in the process, forgetting to wear gloves. He managed to at least get the pan on the counter. When the pain of the burn settled in, Dream cursed. He hurried to the bathroom, looking for some gauze. First, he put the burn under the sink, turning on the cold water. After, he dried it, hissing in pain. Then finally, he wrapped the palm of his hand in gauze.

I have to be more careful, Dream scolded himself. He turned the sink off and went back to the kitchen, using gloves, he put the grilled cheese on a plate. Dream put the pan in the sink and turned the stove off, then took the gloves off. He grabbed a cup from the cabinet and filled it with cold water. Dream grabbed his grilled cheese and water, and brought them upstairs, in his bedroom, which he also worked in.

The Melody Of Our Friendship | Sapnap + DreamWhere stories live. Discover now