Part 16

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"Hello!? Open up!"

I yell standing outside of Fez's store, in the dark knocking on the glass door

"Fez! Ashtray!"

I yell, confused as to why they won't open the door

Just as I was about to walk away, I hear the door open. I turn around and see a blonde girl with very big lips open the door

"What the fuck do you want?"

She says, in a flat tone

"Who are you?"

I ask

"I'm Faye"

She says

"I'm Jayden"

Faye looks at me then smiles

"Oh, your Jayden! Your that girl that overdosed right? The one dating cigarette?"

She says

"Um, you mean Ashtray?"

"Yeah, shit that's the one"

She says laughing

"So, can I come in?"

"I mean yeah sure kid"

She says, opening the door more for me to walk in.

"Woah you smell like weed kid"

Faye says

I walk into another room and see Ashtray and Fez doing some drug dealer shit and weighing out some weed, then I see Rue sitting on the couch

"Hey guys, your little friend is here"

Faye says, walking in behind me with her hand on my shoulder

"Yo! Jayden what the fuck happened to your face!"

Rue says, jumping up of the couch and running over to me

"Oh, I just fell off my skate board it's nothing"

I say, looking past Rue and looking at Ashtray


He says, walking up to me and kissing me

"Hi, i um, I missed you"

I say

"Yeah, I missed you too Jay"

Ashtray says, putting his arm around my shoulder

"Yeah, so if you missed me so much then why didn't you call me?"

I ask ashtray

"I, I don't know"

He says nervously


I say, walking away from Ashtray and over to Fez

"Wassup Jayden"

He says dabbing me up

"Yo guys we need to go now"

Ashtray says

"Ok, you three stay here. We'll be back soon"

Fez says, walking to the door with Ashtray

"Where are you going?"

Rue asks

"Just, um, somewhere"

"Can we come!"

Faye says excitedly


Fez says bluntly

(30 minutes later)


Somehow, Faye and Rue managed to convince Fez to let us go with him and Ashtray. Ashtray and Fez were sitting in the front and me, Faye and Rue were in the back.

I was already kinda high from the blunt i smoked on the way to Fez's but now after smoking 2 more with Faye and Rue in the back of the car. I was definitely high.

"Ok it's gonna be 10, 20 minutes tops so y'all just stay in the car and no fucking funny business alright"

Fez says as him and ashtray get out of the car. Leaving me, Rue and Faye in the car

"So Faye, how's your New Years?"

Rue asks, as I take a hit of my vape


Faye asks confused

"New Years"

Rue says

"It's fucking New Years?"

Faye asks, looking at me and Rue in shock


I say

"I swear my boyfriend doesn't tell me anything"

Faye says, making me and rue laugh a little

(3 minutes later)

"Yeah, my girlfriend. Straight up, she left me at the fucking train station"

Rue says, making me quickly turn my head to look at her


I ask


Rue says sadly

"What the fuck?"

I say, totally shocked and confused. She didn't even say goodbye to me?

"She left you at a fucking train station?"

Faye says

"Yeah, straight up. I was like crying and shit"

"What a fucking cunt"

Faye says, making Rue laugh


Rue says laughing

Then Faye pulls out a needle and some heroin

"Yeah, um, I don't think I would, do that right now"

Rue says


I say, agreeing with Rue

"It's just heroin"

She says carelessly

"Yeah I see that, but like I don't know if you should like do that right now"

"Listen, I know that you are like probably a junkie ass bitch and your probably fucking eating that gingers ass for fucking oxys or whatever the fuck your into"

She says looking down at her needle but occasionally looking up at Rue

"And your like fucking 14 and you over dossed last week so you can't fucking say shit"

She says to me


I say as she lifts up her leg and puts it around the seat in front of her

"Yo what the fuck are you doing!?"

I say, looking away as Faye puts the needle into her 🐱

"Woah that's like your whole fucking crotch"

Rue says, as Faye is yelling a little in pain

"Omg ok, your just going to fucking put it up there"

Rue says, I look at Rue and she looks at me. I reach my hand over and cover Rues eyes, and she does the same for me

Then I hear Faye scream, I quickly look and see her being pulled out of the window of the car. Then I hear Rue scream and see her be pulled out of the car. Oh shit. Now it's my turn. I think to myself just before I got pulled out of the car

Authors note:  thanks for reading! I probably won't update until tomorrow sorry! Love y'all!! <333

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