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Am i drowning In thick deep black ink, air bubbles floating out my mouth as i try to breathe, i try to react, to swim to the surface but i feel my body sinking lower and lower, my body feeling weightless as my body slowly starts to give up.

Marie slowly opened her eyes, my body moving throwing up black thick ink, the feeling burns her throat "aaahh!!" she lets out a gurgled sound as her eyes dart around looking at her surroundings seeing the world is a complete mess, islands floating within the sky slowly drafting, and large throned vines wrapping around everything, while red glossy blood is splattered around, she slowly gets to her feet, her body shaking and painicing, she keeps looking around only seeming a massive building, it almost looks familiar as if she's been here before, she walks over to the building seeing more blood covering the boors, she hesitantly moves her hand towards the door, she sighs as she pushes open the doors and walks in, she looks around seeing the ceiling leaking blood red ink, running down the walls and oozing under Marie's steps, as she walks through the inky substance she feel it almost stick to her shoes like thick glue with every step she took.

A sickening feeling was washing over her body from the sensation, but couldn't seem to throw up, she looked down the hall seeing only a monster that resembled a wolf in appearance, with long tendrils that wiggled and squirmed around its morbid body. The creature's mouth fell open to unnatural lengths, the wolf's long tongue hanging out, limp and oozing slime like saliva, suddenly its head cocked to one side, its singular mechanical eye peering into the darkness glowing a faint red colour, the other eye seemed to look stitched shut in a grotesque manner, staring at where she stood frozen by fear at the sight of this creature.

The beast ran off suddenly, leaving behind a trail of saliva while also dropping something on the inky floor in its haste. She cautiously stepped over to the object that the demonic beast had left behind, she reached down to attempt to pick it up, but the ink gripped onto it like gooey vine like tendrils that seem to not wanting to let go of their quarry. The shape of the object seemed familiar to her, a headset, but one side of it seems to be broken, bending in the other way and the colours looked faded. She attempted to wrench the headset out of the inky vines grip, Her own grip on it tightening as she gritted her teeth, suddenly she felt a sharp pain going up her arm, soon the vines dropped limp, falling off the headset, as the vines fell to the ground they suddenly snapped up as a last bid to try to kill the poor girl, piercing her left hand like some demented needle pushing its way deeper into her skin.

She held her arm in pain slowly pulling out the substance from her hand Suddenly the sound of someone walking down the hall, making marie slightly panic, then quickly hiding behind something that looked like a dented locker the sound of footsteps got closer, but it sounded like someone was wearing high heels, the clinking of the heels echoed through the hallway, soon a crazed laughter followed, Causing her to widen her eyes, seeing the only light flickering on and off, as the loose bulb swayed back and forth in a non-existent wind, slightly showing a creepy humanoid that looked like two people that were put together by a needle and thread, right down the middle, stitched all along their face and down their body,

Like they are some sort of distorted Siamese twin experiment gone wrong, but their movements seemed almost puppet like, their arms, hands and head all twitched quickly to move, but yet their bodies seemed to be in agonising pain. Soon their head moved towards Maries frozen body as if she could see her, they smiled from ear to ear but seconds later black ink leaked out past her cracked teeth, that oozed to the floor like slime, Marie could see through their viciously sharp yet wicked demeanour, she could tell that their body was in agony, as the stitches along their body tightened and began to loosen almost at will, as they forced their ghoulish smile wider, "the show will begin and the tortured souls now are on the hunt! I will find you and I will make you as beautiful as my creature's" she said in a cracked, distorted voice, as they got closer to her, her footsteps echoing through the hallway, suddenly pulling marie out of her hiding place, holding her up in the air by her collar.

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