Chapter 11- Pitstop

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"Any word from Chaeyeon?" Eunbi asks. It had only been fifteen minutes, but she couldn't help but worry.

"Nope, but I'm sure she'll be here with Chaewon's clone soon." Sakura responds calmly.

"Well, we can't stay here forever. We got to find a better hiding spot soon." The leader says.

"I agree." Hyewon jumps in. "Ten girls just hanging out in an alley is pretty sketchy."

"That's going to be quite difficult." The tech girl says. "I'm pretty sure your faces are plastered all over the news, and ours will probably be there too now when Principal Ahn finds out."

"So, we're being chased by the police, and we can't go back to campus, and we don't have anywhere to go???" Wonyoung says worriedly. Yujin puts a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down, but this situation was a lot to take in, especially for the fifteen-year old.

"Yah, Chaewon-ah. What's with the look on your face?" Eunbi asks, noticing how the younger girl's face tensed, as if she were debating something.

"Hmm...I think I might know a place where we can stay." She replies with an unsure expression. "Anyone got a phone?"


"Chaewon-unnie, why did you never tell us your mother was Lee Ran Hee???" Yuri pesters while they were in the private van Chaewon's mother had sent for them.

"Yeah unnie! I would've asked for an autograph. I love her work!" Wonyoung complains.

"I mean, no one ever asked." The short-haired replies with a shrug.

"I didn't even know you reconciled with her." Eunbi says, remembering how the younger girl described their relationship. Chaewon had hated her mother and even ran away from home, so she was surprised at how casually Chaewon talked to her when Sakura had handed her a phone.

"Well, I didn't think you would because I literally only did that last night. How else do you think I got to Daegu so fast? Bus fares are pretty expensive, you know." Chaewon says before detailing what had happened the night before when she'd left the campus on her own.

"Wow, you really liked Minjoo-unnie enough to patch up things with your mother? Impressive." Yena teases.

"Yah, don't you remember what you did to go save Yuri-unnie? I don't think you should be one to talk." Yujin interjects, causing the others to laugh.

"Madam Kim, we'll be arriving shortly." The driver announces after a couple minutes. Chaewon nods and informs the others who give oohs and aahs when they see the mansion they were approaching. The front area was a beautiful garden with well-trimmed shrubbery and all sorts of flowers blooming from roses to violets. The mansion itself was a stark white building, three stories tall, and Chaewon realized that she'd forgotten how nice it had looked. She thinks that she probably didn't appreciate it as much the night before because it was too dark.

"This is where you used to live, unnie?" Wonyoung asks, quietly reminiscing about her own mansion where she used to live in before being taken to StarShip. As the group gets out of the van, the doors at the front open and a woman in her late 40s appears. She looked like an older version of Chaewon.

"Chaewonnie! It's so good to see you again! You brought your friends too!" She greets.

"Good to see you too, mom, but, the Chaewon you saw yesterday was a different one." The short-haired girl says with an awkward smile.

"Nonsense, it doesn't matter if it was one of your copies or not. You're still my daughter in my eyes." The older woman replies before addressing the others.

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