Prologue ( and a bit about me)

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This was it, the final decision. Allisa was bewildered, yes or no. thoughts spun through her mind like a toy train. A tear slowly dropped from her eye onto her lap. Her head was hung down low. "DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!" her sister yelled. The other two were silent. "Well well, what a pity. Confused, are you? I'll give you one last chance OR ELSE....." Velldoor said darkly. The ground started to rumble, cracked snaking through the floor. The lights started to flicker and picture frames toppled over to the ground. "WAIT! WAIT! I've made my decision" Allisa cried out in despair. Suddenly everything started to calm down. Velldoor turned abruptly on his heel to face Allisa, a smirk plastered on his face. "Well, let's hear it then. We don't got all day do we?" he whispered. She looked up to James. His eyes were glossy with water. Tears started streaming down Allisa's face. They gazed into each other's eyes before Allisa hung her head while looking down again. "I...I.." she stammered "I won't do it".

(This next part is mainly gonna be about me and not really the story. If you don't wanna read this part then you can proceed to the next chapter.)

 Woah! Woah! Woah! You're probably confused about what's going on right now. Who's Velldoor? Who's James? Why was Alissa crying? What's happening? What decision did she make? Trust me I'll get to that in a moment, but first, let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is Surapujita Seerla. I'll be addressing myself as Scarlet though. Let me tell you a bit about what you've signed up for by deciding to read this book. I'm a girl who LOVES music (Especially Kpop). Dancing, singing, rapping, or even just listening to music makes me feel good. My personality? I'm quite shy and nervous, not the talkative type. Because of this, I don't have a lot of friends. I usually keep to myself and am in my own world. For the past two years, I've had an imaginary world in my mind. It's like writing the story of a parallel universe in your head. How did this start? Well, I didn't get the idea completely by myself. My friend/Ex-best friend also played a pretty big role in this. Around 2 years ago, I used to have this really close friend. We went to the same school and were classmates. We also got picked up by the same driver and went to the same after school. We quickly learned that we had a lot in common. We had the same hobbies, thought alike, liked the same songs, and liked the same subjects. We soon became best friends. We would have sleepovers, go shopping together, go to karaoke places together, go to arcades together, and even go to the movies together. We were inseparable. Some people even used to mistake us for sisters. One day on Halloween, she dressed up as a sorceress and I dressed up as a princess. During recess, we cosplayed our characters, pretending to battle villains and go on adventures. We had a lot of fun and decided to do this every day and not only on Halloween. We eventually created spells, potions, kingdoms, schools, characters, castles, magic animals, magic powers, and many more. We created our own little story, our own little universe that no one else knew about. During the pandemic, she decided to ghost me and we lost touch. Even though we don't talk anymore, I still have always continued the story. I've never been able to share this story with anyone, I've always had to keep it to myself. That is till now. Now, I can share this story with the world. With you. So let's start, from the very beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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