Part 18

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I ask worried


"I just told that guy I would suck his dick"

As those word come out of my mouth. I can sense ashtray getting mad

"Oh come on! What the fuck man!"

He says. He almost sound more disappointed than angry

"I'm sorry but I was not about to get naked in front of everyone!"

Ashtray grabs my hand

"It's fine ma"

I smile at him then he starts trying to open up the closet

"It's locked"

I say to him

"I know"

He says, still rattling the door nob

"So, it's not going to open"

I say in a 'duh' voice

"Jayden can you please shut the fuck up"

Ashtray says looking at me

"No I won't shut the fuck up because you are trying to open a fucking door that has a lock on it. So there is no way it's going to open!"

Ashtray doesn't listen to me and keeps rattling the door nob. Then I remember, I have a blunt and a lighter in my bra.

I take it out and light the eyes blunt

"What the fuck Jayden!?"

Ashtray asks taking the blunt off me


I ask confused



"We are locked in a fucking drug dealers closet. Fez is out there being stripped naked with Rue and that blonde chick with lips bigger than your fucking future. And you wanna smoke?"

Ashtray says angrily

"Um, yeah"

I say, putting the blunt in between my lips

Ashtray looks down and laughs a bit

"Your fucking crazy ma"

I smile and he takes the blunt out of my hand for him to smoke.


I ask, looking at him with a smile on my face

"Wanna make out?"

Ashtray looks at me as I ask him that question.
Then he smiles and pulls my face in.

Our make out session lasted about 5 seconds before we heard someone start unlocking the door of the closet.

"Get out"

He says to me and Ashtray as we climb out of the closet. He grabs our shoulders tightly and walks us into the room with Faye, Fez and Rue. And all the other sketchy ass drug dealers and shit.

Everyone has their clothes back on now

"Mouse ain't gon be coming around anymore"

Fez says to Lorrie

"Why's that?"

She asks him

"Because, I don't like the way he does business"

Fez says defensively

"Says you? The guy who bought a kid to a drug deal"

She says, looking at ashtray

"He's not a kid. He's my business partner"

Fez says

"Ok, we'll what about that 14 year old who smells like fucking weed and promised to suck Bruces dick?"

She says looking at me

"She an addict?"

"Um, nah man she's all goods"

"You trust her?"

Lorrie asks

"With my fucking life man"

Fez answers making me smile

"Sorry about all the hubbub guys, just, being careful. So you guys ready to do some business?"

Lorrie asks

"Yes ma'am"

Fez says.


After they do their dealing and shit. Me, Rue, Fez and Ashtray get into the car. Ashtray and Fez are sitting in the front and me and Rue in the back

Faye stayed with her boyfriend.

"That was hon- honestly, that was the craziest
fucking shit I have ever experienced holy shit!
That fucking dude with- with the long hair and that fuckin gun! Like what the fuck! I thought for sure- I was gonna like die"

Rue says laughing. Why the fuck was she laughing? I could see Ashtray and Fez getting pissed.

"And omg! That fucking lady! She was a fucking gangsta! Holy shit man"

Rue says, still laughing loudly

"Why you acting like that shit was fun Rue? For real! You pissing me off! Acting dumb as fuck right now! All smiling and laughing and shit! And you know half that shit was your fault! Cus you wanted to fucking come with us"

Fez stays, not making eye contact with Rue and keeping his eyes on the road

"Sorry- but how many female drug dealers do you know!?"

Rue ask, taking my vape out of my hand and bringing it to her mouth

"Good ones?"

Fez asks, Rue nods her head as she takes a hit from the vape


Fez says

"See! I know what the fuck I'm saying! Shits gotta change!"

Rue says, laying her head down on my lap

Authors note: heyyy! Sorry this was really shit, I'll post another chapter later today! Love y'all! Leave any suggestions in the comments <3333

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