Part 19

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Authors note: hey Yall! So I just wanted to say that the order that things are happening in this book is not the same order as in the show. So there might be a scene from s1 and then a scene from s2 then another scene from s1 if you know what I mean.



It was just a normal day and I was walking around school. I saw Maddy so I decided to do
over and talk to her. She was wearing a hoodie that was zipped up all the way. And she just didn't look like... Maddy


I said, hugging her

"Get off me bitch"

Maddy says, pushing me away

"Um, are you ok?"

I ask her as we start walking down the hall

"Yes! I'm just in my period! Why is everyone like so dramatic!?"

Maddy yells at me as she walks into her class


I whisper to myself as I walk away

"What the fuck is up with her?"

I hear Kat say. I turn around and see Kat walk up next to me

"I don't know"

I say

"I gotta go to class though. Bye"

I say to Kat as I walk into my class. I look around see there was only two free tables, one full of girls and one full of boys. So I got sit with the girls

"Hey, can I sit here?"

I ask pulling the chair out

"Uh, no"

One of the girls says, then she looks at the other girls at the table and laughs

"We don't sit with druggies"

She says laughing

"Oh, um, ok"

I say walking to the other table with one seat left

"Can I sit here?"

I ask

"Bro, no"

The boy says laughing with his friends and the girls on the other table


I mutter before taking the chair and putting it in the back of the class to sit on

"Jayden? Why aren't you sitting at a table?"

The teacher asks when she walked in

"Um, can I go to the bathroom please?"

I ask, already standing up and getting ready to walk out

"Yeah, but be quick"

The teacher says. I walk out of the class and into the bathroom. I go into one of the stalls and lock the door. I take a little bag of coke out of my bag and start getting ready to snort it.

Then I hear the door open


I mutter to myself as I leave the coke on the toilet paper holder and stand on the toilet seat so no one can see my feet. If it was a teacher I'm fucking dead. I hear the person go into the stall next to me. Then hear the crackling sound of a vape.

I feel relived to know it's not a teacher. But I still wanna know who it is

I get off the toilet then snort the line of coke before saying:

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