This is far from a fairytale

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Chapter 1-

The New Girl

It's hard.. Moving from place to place because your father is an alcoholic. You are always stared upon by everyone and they try find out as much information as possible from Twitter and Facebook. If they find one little thing, they can tell the whole school, and then you become that stupid new girl who has no friends.

That's what happened with the first few schools, they found my dad got arrested for hitting a police guard, and they used that against me. People ignored me because of my father.

My father is a nice man, when he is off the drink... Which isn't often. He trained to be a lawyer, but when he was working on his "breakthrough case" he called it, that's when he started drinking, the pressure got to him. He told me that of he won this case, he would be classed as one of the best lawyers, that everyone would want to hire.

He lost the case because he was having a hangover and forgot everything. He was so hungover that he forgot his name.

After that he thought there was no point in trying to get hired, and vodka comforted him.

I learnt after a few schools that I needed to keep a low profile, so after I moved to a new school, I would delete my social network accounts, and I would change my name. I built a new story every time. My father never knew, most of the time I never existed to him. I had bizarre stories sometimes, but everyone believed them, they tried to find things about me but they dug up nothing.

My father says this will be the last move for a while, hopefully.

In this town I'm named Valerie Stevens, I'm 17 and I came from Britain and I'm new to everything in America. My mother died of cancer when I was 10 and my father is currently job hunting.

Some of my story is true, first of all Valerie is my middle name, and Stevens is my mothers maiden name. My real name is Maddie Jordan. I am from Brattain but I moved to America when I was 14 and luckily I still have a strong British accent. My mother did die of cancer when I was 10, and my father is job hunting.

Valerie Stevens was also the name of a British athlete, she wasn't very successful but if people looked up the name, they would only find articles about her.

I have had a twitter and Facebook for 6 months now with this name, nothing too personal on it. I say I have a boyfriend named Tommy so I made a fake accounts for him, most of my posts and tweets are to him or about him. But then "he" went missing and hasn't been found.

So now I have a clean slate, but I have sympathy now because of the story of my mum and my "boyfriend."

I try to look different every time, so this times have dyed my hair brown and I have blue eyes. My real eye colour is blue, but most of the time I wear contacts of different colours. My natural hair colour is red, I never liked it, so I always went for something different.

I was sitting outside the office of my new school, Lincoln High School.

"Application please" chirped the receptionist

I handed her the form I filled out with a photocopied birth certificate with my new information on it.

"Sorry, my birth certificate is a photocopy, my father would be afraid I would loose it!" I said with a smile on my face.

"It's no problem...." She glanced down at the certificate trying to find my name "Valerie" she said happily.

"There is just one problem, on your application to the school you only have one parental signature" she asked giving me a strange look.

"My mother died when I was 10 so I only have one guardian, I stated that.... Here" I pointed to the area where it said 'Parent or Guardian information'

"Oh sorry I didn't notice that!" She said "I am very sorry, about your mother"

"It's okay" I said with a sad look on my face, it has been years since she died, but I still miss her like crazy.

"Ok well then, this is filled out perfectly, so I will just verify this with the principal and we will contact you this evening about starting next week maybe" she said with a faked smile on her face.

"Goodbye" I say as I walk out the door.


I hope you guys enjoy this story!! I have a lot of plans for stories!! So stay tuned!! I hope to publish a chapter maybe every week, but it depends!!

Happy reading!!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2013 ⏰

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