01 Bunny and friends

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Nina's POV

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Nina's POV

"Yoo, Nina, run faster!" Emily shouted as she sprinted ahead of me.

Why were we running? Oh, nothing special—just our usual morning routine of chasing the Subway train. I have no idea how we manage to be late every single day.

The station was packed with students and commuters. As we finally boarded the train, the doors shut behind us, and we heard that all-too-familiar announcement again.

"Please avoid running inside the train..." That nagging woman needs to hush up. It's our daily ritual; she doesn't have to warn us every day.

"Aw man, I don't want to stand for 30 minutes," Emily whined, scanning the crowded compartments. They were filled with the same people we see every day, except for a few unfamiliar boys.

"That man with the wrinkled tie, those girls, and that old lady will get off at the next station. As soon as they do, grab a seat," I advised, making her nod in agreement. "Is this what you do while I sleep?" she asked out of nowhere. I stared at her, not quite understanding what she meant.

"Watching people to see when they get off and at which station, like a serial killer," she laughed.

"What in tarnation? At least I'm doing something while you sleep your butt off!" I retorted, gripping the iron pole in the middle of the compartment.

"Next station... Central Wall..." the woman announced, and I rolled my eyes at Emily. "Run before someone else gets there," I instructed as the train came to a halt. As soon as it did, the people I mentioned earlier stood up to leave, and we fast-walked toward their seats, trying not to appear too desperate.

Before Emily and I could sit, a group of guys swooped in, making us flinch. "Hello, ladies..." one of them remarked.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed. "We were here first," Emily gritted out. Well, now I’m embarrassed. You just don't say that out loud.

"Sorry, babe... better luck next time," one of them said, causing the others to laugh at Emily. "They aren't worth it," I muttered, making sure they could hear it too. We stood gripping the thin iron rod near the boys, unable to move far since the train was already in motion and shaking quite a bit.

Ten minutes passed, and Emily was dying to sleep while I was figuring out who would get off at the next station. Suddenly, those boys started talking... WHY DID I CARE? BECAUSE THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT US. ME AND EMILY.

"Do you think you've seen her before?"

"Yeah, she looks familiar."

"What about the other one? You better not look at her because she's already mine."

"Shut up, man."

"Oh my god, her hair looks pretty though. I'm jealous."

"Elijah, are you serious?"

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