Chapter 1

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Ally's POV

Today was just another normal day at Sonic Boom. It was around 6:00 so I was closing up. Trish, Dez, and Austin were suppose to be coming over at 7:30 for a team meeting. With my first album about to be released, there was a lot to be done. Plus I needed one more song for a bonus track, but me and Gavin were having trouble coming up with it.
I walked over to the door and flipped the sign from OPEN to CLOSED. When I was about to turn around, I see Dez and Austin running toward the glass doors like maniacs. I quickly open the door to prevent them from running through it. "I told you I could run through that door Austin!" exclaimed Dez. "Dez, no you didn't. Ally opened the door." Austin said with an annoyed look on his face. "Uuummm what is all of this about?" I ask. "Dez thinks he somehow has super powers now because he drank a Super Mango Smoothie at Shredder's." Austin tells me shaking his head. "Dez..." I start. "Ally! I know, I know. I was just hoping." Dez says looking disappointed. Me and Austin laugh. "So since you guys are here early, wanna help me clean up?" "Sure." Austin says shrugging his shoulders.

Austin's been acting a lot like this lately, ever since me and Gavin started dating. I thought me and Austin had told each other we'd be fine if we found other people. I don't think Austin likes me dating Gavin though. He seems jealous. I don't want to hurt Austin he's my best friend. We've been through so much together, but I really like Gavin, and Austin's just going to have to understand I'm with Gavin now. He really should move on. Hey, maybe me, Dez, and Trish could set him up on a blind date or something. You know, just give him a little hint-hint, wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I hear a melody being played on the piano. I turn around to see Austin seated at the piano playing. I can faintly hear him sing, 'You always break my fall, like a parachute.." "Austin, that's beautiful! Did you write that?" I ask. "Yea." he says smiling. I seat down beside him. He begins to play again. The melody is absolutely breath-taking. It really sounds like something I would love on my album. "Austin," I turn toward him, he stops playing and looks at me, "could I use this as the bonus track on my album. I love it!" "Of course Ally, we just need to come up with the lyrics." he tells me. "What do you have so far? I ask. He begins to play and starts to sing, " There's no gravity, when you're next to me. You always break my fall, like a parachute." "Wow, that's really good Austin. Maybe the next part should go like this," I begin to play and start to sing, "When you're holding me, so weightless I can barely breathe. You always break my fall, my fall... Like a parachute, you're my parachute" I sing looking at Austin. We hold a gaze for a couple seconds until Dez yells from the practice room, "Guys! Time for the team meeting! Trish is already here." We jump apart. "I guess we better get on up there." I tell Austin while awkwardly laughing. "Yea," he says, "we'll finish the song later." I gather up my songbook and we head upstairs.

Austin's POV

What just happened down there? I ask myself as I sit down in the practice room. "Okay, this team meeting is officially underway!" I hear Trish exclaim in the distance. That song had been on my mind ever since I realized I wanted to get back with Ally. She's my everything, but before I could tell her how I feel, Gavin stole her from me. Ugh, I can't stand her being with someone else. Especially someone who's handsome and is into music. I'm afraid I've lost her forever. I'll never tell Ally that song's about her. It'd be too humiliating. Oh well. I miss those moments like we just had downstairs. I can tell she really likes the song. I can't wait to sit down on that piano bench again, feel her next to me, and know she's happy doing what she loves: writing music. I love it when she's happy. I love her smile and her long brown hair. I love it when we're playing the piano together and ours hands accidentally touch. The spark I felt the first time our hands toughed is still there. I wonder if she still feels it to. Then I hear Trish say, "Well that wraps up our meeting." With Ally's album coming out pretty soon, most of the meeting have been only about her. I'm proud of her. She's come a long way. I stand up and look at Ally, "I'm so proud of you Ally!" I say while leaning in for a hug. "Thanks Austin." she says while wrapping her arms around me. Having her in my arms feels like she was made for me. The way her head fits perfectly on my shoulder. I then feel her pulling away. Inside I'm disappointed, but I know a friendly hug is all we'll share now.

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