Chapter 1: The First Meeting

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Adrien ~

Adrien longed to make some friends but as the crown prince, he's been told that he has to stay where he was safe. He was only 6 years old and he already has had enough of his palace walls. He was currently wearing the plainest clothes that he could find in his wardrobe and he was sneaking out of the palace through the servant entrance. He noticed that people generally went about their business and left him alone as he walked through the kingdom. It wasn't until he spotted some of his parents cabinet members, and they in turn had recognized him, did he start to worry.

He ran until he came across a park. He quickly ran inside and for a place to hide. All he saw was a lot of children his age and some adults. He quickly weaved himself among the people and stopped at a table with lots of treats. He was staring in wonder at the delicious goodies when he heard someone clear their throat musically. He turned to see a girl in a pastel pink dress standing next to him. She had blue-black hair that reminded him of a night sky on a starless night and bluebell eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but only an 'uh' came out.

The girl giggled. "Is this your first time seeing pastries?" She asked.

"No, I've seen them before." Adrien nervously laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I just..."

"Didn't expect to get caught crashing the party?" The girl asked as she put her hands on her hips. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng by the way."

"How did you know that?" Adrien asked.

"I saw you come running into the park and then as you started to weave through the crowd, two adults reach the entrance and start looking around." Marinette explained as she crossed her arms. "They left by the way, now you never told me your name."

"Oh sorry, I'm Adrien." He said. Should he tell her who exactly he was? Nah. Probably not.

"Just Adrien?" Marinette asked as she stared at him. "Don't worry I'm just messing with you. Adrien is a nice name."

"You said party earlier, what did you mean by that?" Adrien asked as Marinette handed him a petit four.

"My parents baked all the desserts that you see here. They are local bakers." She said as he reluctantly took the cake. She then led him away from the table. "We commoners have parties once a month for everyone who has a birthday in that month and it just so happens that this months party lands on my actual birthday." She explained as Adrien took a bite out of the tiny cake.

"This is really good." Adrien said and he saw Marinette smile.

"Of course, my parents are the best." Marinette giggled.

This is better than the palace baker. Adrien thought as he finished the cake. "This is really good. And your parents made this?"

"Yes, my father says the key ingredient for making any dish taste good is 'love'." She explained as he looked longingly at the dessert table and she giggled again when she noticed it.

"You know that your name is quite the mouthful." Adrien stated as she led him back to the dessert table.

"Well, since you want to me to call you Adrien, you can just call me Marinette." Marinette giggled as they reached the table. "Take your pick at what you want to eat next." She said as she motioned to the table. He quickly grabbed some macarons and some mini tarts and a slice of chocolate cake and she giggled. "Are you sure that you've seen these before?"

"Yes. why do you ask?" Adrien questioned as he popped a macaron in his mouth and the heavenly taste caused him to sigh happily.

"Oh I don't know, just the way you've grabbed everything and are currently eating it." Marinette responded as he ate one of the mini tarts.

"I've had these before but never tasted anything this good." Adrien said as he took a bite of the chocolate cake.

Marinette smiled as he greedily ate the chocolate cake. He went to grab some more pastries and she lightly slapped his hand. "Don't be greedy. You haven't finished what you currently have. Besides too much is not good for you." She lightly scolded him.

He just stared at her with an open mouth. Nobody besides his parents has ever done that before. He then softly smiled to himself but he quickly stopped when he saw a glint coming from her ears. She was wearing a pair of black circular earrings and he looked down at his ring on his right hand and it seemed to be calling for the earrings. He shook his head. "Why can't I be greedy?" He asked coyly.

"Because you'll get fat from eating too much sugar." Marinette stated simply as she pulled him away from the table. "You need to have a well balanced diet and eat sweets in moderation." Adrien just pouted. She giggled. "Just look at my dad." She said pointing to a big man wearing a bakers uniform.

"He looks like a big bear." Adrien said in awe.

"He been eating a lot of sweets since he was a little boy learning from his dad." Marinette said. "When is your birthday?"

"It was a few months ago." Adrien said.

"Well we are friends now, so when it is close to your birthday next year, let me know and I'll have my parents make you something."

The clock at the one end of the park began to chime and Adrien almost dropped the remaining treats off of his plate. It was that late already. "I gotta go." He said as he made his way to the park entrance.

"I understand." Marinette replied. She walked with him to the park entrance. "By the way, see that building right there." She said pointing to the tall building with a small balcony at the top of it. Adrien nodded as he finished his macarons. "That is my parents bakery. The whole front is the bakery. The back and sides are the family residence."

"You live very close to the park." Adrien remarked, then remembered the time. "I really gotta go. I'll see you again soon, Marinette." Adrien said.

"Whenever you can sneak out again, you mean." Marinette giggled and he blushed.

"Bye." Then he ran home. He managed to sneak back in without be caught by any of the servants or guards. He got back into his room and was about to sigh out in relief when someone cleared their throat behind him. He turned around. "Mama." He said as he saw the Queen sitting on his bed and she had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot.

"Where have you been and don't say the gardens because I turned that place inside-out and didn't find you?" She questioned him. "Also, why are you wearing servant clothes?"

"Okay, I went beyond the palace walls." Adrien confessed. "Please don't tell papa."

"I won't sweetie." Queen Emilie said as she patted the space next to her. "Now sit down and tell me everything."

"Well, I met someone." Adrien started as he sat down next to his mother.

"Ooh tell me more."

"Her name is Marinette and her parents are bakers. There was a big party in the park and everyone who has a birthday this month was celebrated. Her birthday happens to be today."

"You know I have a sweet tooth."

"I think I got that from you." Then he paused as he thought of something. "My ring seemed to be longing for her earrings. How is that possible."

"Hmm, that is interesting." She said as she thought. "Maybe her earrings have a sleeping kwami in them. Duusu?"

"Yes your highness."

"Is it possible that her earrings are the other half of his ring?"

"Not sure. We would need to see them to see if they are special enough to house a sleeping kwami." Duusu replied.

"I really do hope so." Adrien said. "I'm tired, mom can I go to bed now or do I have to practice the piano still?"

"No dear. Go to sleep. I'll handle your father." His mother replied as she helped him get into his pajamas. "Good night dear."

"Good night mama." Adrien said as he got into bed.

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