Sasha's Remorse

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Sasha Waybright, a tall blonde thirteen-year-old laid atop the roof of a somewhat abandoned Plantar household. The shingles which she laid on were a dusty maroon color that probably looked like a wonder back when it was first constructed. After the incident, the Plantars were zapped off into another world, her homeworld at that.

As much as that stupid fucked up controlling side of Sasha wanted to be mad, that formerly overwhelming voice in her head was now just a soft murmur. Overthrown by a new feeling. Was it jealousy? 'No not that' her mind hummed, she was done with jealousy. Besides, she knew what that felt like and strangely enough that wasn't this.

As far as her brain could remember the only other time she felt this feeling before was at Toad Tower, the day of her and Anne's first major fight. That night was always a little blurry to her, she remembered a loud explosion, the sound of stone cracking. Then Anne and the Plantars holding her up what felt like hundreds of feet above the world of Amphibia. The same sickening feeling filled her that day.

And then she was falling. Falling so very far.

She winced at the thought. Oh there was so much she regretted about that night, She could probably fill a whole book with what she would change. An "Alternate Universe or AU" as her old friend Marcy would say. Her eyes welled up ever so slightly at the thought 'Toads above I miss her rambles...' Her mind rang '...I miss her, I miss them both so much- Now they're both gone and-' she whipped away the tears before letting out a long scream, birds flying off the fence surrounding the residence.

"IT'S ALL MY FAULT" she hollered, grabbing the edge of the gritty roof letting it dig into the palms of her hands. She loved the feeling of control so much, in an odd way it helped her feel like she could determine something in her life, something out of her parents' hands. But in hindsight she loved it too much. She didn't know it was possible to love something so simple, so much it hurt.

But she learned just how bad too much control could hurt the day of her and commander Grime's plan, and the day it happened.

She could remember it crystal clear. Anne's voice rang in her ears for what felt like forever. "What do I say? After everything you've done? I say you're clearly INSANE If you think I'm gonna let you bully me, and everyone else just to get what YOU want!" She remembered being taken aback by such a strong statement, keeping her cool as she responded before Anne interrupted her.


As much as Sasha hated admitting it to herself, that hurt. It hurt like a hundred of her hidden daggers piercing her one at a time with every word fueled by her friend's anger.

Could she even call Anne and Marcy friends anymore? She gave up wiping her tears away, letting the cold wet droplets fall down her face as she reminisced about their time together. Despite her happiness at that given time almost every one of those happy memories had her controlling her friends in the end. Why, of all ways she could treat her friends, she did that. She wished she could go back in time and treat her friends right.

The way they deserved to be treated.

Although none of that could ever happen, Sasha would fight tooth and nail to get one more chance to make things right. But that was the one thing she couldn't get. With Anne being zapped into another world, probably destroying any remaining memory of her, and Marcy- She didn't want to think about Marcy, If only she was a little bit faster, a little bit stronger.

"If I was even half the hero Anne is- she would be here right now..." she said to herself in between huffs

She pulled out her phone, It was long dead despite Sasha's best efforts. She stared into the dark black screen, scars covering her once flawless face. A constant reminder of her mistakes. One in particular hurt the most. Not physically but mentally.

Slipping her phone back in her pocket she stood up on the roof, losing balance for a second, before staring off into the setting sun. "I've made my mistakes, An entire lifetime of them at that... and I might be the last human in this godforsaken frog-ridden universe," she said, filling the air around her with vibrations. "But you're going down Andrias! If it's the last thing these hands fulfill for me." *I'm gonna make it up to them, the right way this time*

After such deliberation, she finally figured out what this feeling was.

It was remorse.


Grime stepped out of the Plantar's old house with a gumble "As much as you need this, are you done with your breakthrough yet? Some of us are trying to get much-needed rest."

Sasha rolled her eyes before swiftly climbing down, mumbling to herself, "I was having a moment Grime-" Grime looked up at her before responding "You can be a better person after you get some sleep, Ight lieutenant?"

"Yeah yeah I get it dad." Sasha said in a taunting tone, walking to the barn as Grime was still processing what was just said. 

Authors note 

Wow, wrote this all in one sitting! Not really happy with it as it's mostly just refreshing the reader on events that already happened but I still like it! This is my first ever fanfiction and once again I'm quite happy with it!

Although I was originally just writing a little angst fic, I decided to add the bonus because we all love some dad grime after a long sad fic.

Also, I'm slightly considering making more chapters of this! Although I still like it as a one-shot I can possibly see potential in it becoming a bigger project with maybe like 3 chapters tops rather than one?

Also to add to this, It isn't supposed to be a ship fic but it's written to be taken however the reader wants so take it how you feel!

Again that you for the idea Derangedlesbian, And thanks for beta reading this annes.left.shoe!

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