•~Past Mistakes~•

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[We are gonna say that they met early in college so this makes sense- also Bill has a human form k?]

3rd Pov:

*flashback to college*

Bill was pulling Ford by his vest, kissing him roughly. He pulled back so Ford could breath, he knew some things about mortals.

Bill pushed Ford down to his knees. "Always such a good boy for me, aren't you?" Bill said, scratching Ford's head. Bill proceeded to undo his pants and-

Ford shot up, waking up, a dark blush covering his face. He swallowed thickly. "Why do I keep having those dreams..." Ford whispered.

After he went to the bathroom, he looked into the mirror. Everything flashed yellow for a split second, surprising Ford. He quickly got dressed and went downstairs to get breakfast.

"Morning Pointedexter" Stan laughed, handing Ford a plate. "Grunkle Ford? Can you eat with us?" Mabel asked.

"Of course I can!" Ford replied, sitting down. 'I also don't want to have that dream again,' he thought inside his head.

The day went by so quickly for Ford. He sat at his desk, it was a bit before dinner. He tried to stay awake but he fell asleep.

Ford woke up in his mindscape, he knew it well. "...how the hell did i get in here?" Ford whispered to himself, knowing that if he got here, it probably had something to do with Bill.

'WAIT! But that's not possible right?' Ford thought to himself, 'Bill's dead'

"Am I though?" A voice replied, a voice that Ford knew. "BILL!" Ford shouted. "You caught me~" Bill teased. "What do want!?" Ford yelled. "Hm~? I can't visit my favorite mortal?" Bill laughed.

Ford blushed, but pushed it away. "What do you actually want." He asked angrily. "Nothing~ Just all those dreams about me are adorable~" Bill smirked.

Ford froze. "I-I don't know what you're talking about-" Ford lied, blushing heavily. Bill pushed Ford up against a 'wall'. He whispered in the mortal's ear..

"Admit it." He said, "You're obsessed with me!"

Ford blushed so hard, you could mistake him for a tomato. He forced himself back to reality, but before he fully left he heard Bill say, "Goodbye...Love~"

Ford woke up at his desk, blushing. "What the fuck..." Ford whispered to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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