Chapter 64

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Taehyung placed a blanket on Nari's shoulders, as she still kept sobbing in the arms of Sira, whose scream was what had awakened him in this new day. He sure hadn't expected fear to be the first thing he was to experience right after opening his eyes, but his body had jolted out of bed and had rushed out the room in search of her, while his mind had fallen in the claws of despair almost instantly.

When he had witnessed the scene at the balcony, he had rushed and helped Sira pull Nari back to safety, while his thoughts remained bathing in confusion that multiplied once he had her in his arms and she broke down crying.

From that moment on, both he and Sira had tried their best to calm her down, but apparently, she appeared to have had a lot of emotions welled up, concluding to her shading tears for an hour none stop. Thankfully though they were no longer standing outside in the cold wind, they had brought her inside and had offered her tissues. A lot of tissues along with comforting words that they weren't sure if she had even listened to them at all.

He made eye contact with Sira as he pulled his hands away from the blanket and she fixed it over her shoulders a bit better, trying to keep her warm, right before she placed her arms around her again, the way she has been holding her for the past hour.

"Go pick up that phone, I got her," Sira reassured him, as Taehyung's phone went off again, adding to the number of missed calls he had been getting but wasn't able to reply to so far.

He did as he was told, and walked away returning to the bedroom, where he had left his phone and picked it up, only to see that all the calls so far had been from his brother and he was calling still.

"Oh God, no more bad news. Please, please~" He whined to himself, feeling already defeated by this day, despite that it had just begun.

"Jimin I-"

"WHERE THE HECK DO YOU LEAVE YOUR PHONE?!" Jimin's shout cut off his response, making him pull the phone away from his ear.

"Sorry I-"

"Just tell me if you have any way to contact Nari. It's urgent." His words made Taehyung fall silent as he turned around and looked towards the door, feeling a bit reluctant to tell him that she was in his house, for last time Jimin had clearly told him to not get involved with her again.

"I...may have a way. What do you need her for?" 

"I have to meet up with her immediately. Mr Jung has no good intentions, we need to save her from him." Jimin spoke of all he could manage while he was driving in his car, aimlessly for he had no destination yet.

"Save her?... Did he do something to her?" Taehyung questioned him, now finding her previous attempt frightfully reasonable.

"I don't have time to explain right now. Just give me something to communicate with her."

"Come over, she is in my house." He ended up admitting only to take no reply from Jimin for a bit, for he sure needed a moment to comprehend his words and turn his car around.

"Just keep her there no matter what. I will be there in ten." He hang up on him, making Taehyung leave a long sigh escape his lips for he knew that this day, was officially going to be a tough one for him.

---change of set---

JaeHyun stood in his secret room, surrounded by the pictures of you that were decorating the walls yet his eyes were lost in letters instead of your face that used to calm his tormenting thoughts. 

When he had opened the copy of Helena's notebook that Daniel had provided to him, he had had in mind only one thing and that was how to incorporate everything he was to read, so he could become closer to you emotionally yet here he was, closed at that place for days, reading and rereading the pages of that notebook, that had captivated him.

It felt as if someone had opened his heart and had written words just for his ache, it felt like the writer knew his pain and related to it but also knew how to reply to every single dark thought that had ever crossed his mind. It was almost crazy, how comforted he had started feeling the more he was to keep reading it.

However, it also had managed to leave him perplexed. Was his suffering so easy to decipher? Or was he just easy to read? Those words surely were not written for him though and that left him with only one answer. Helena was not writing for him nor for Y/N specifically, she was writing for pain, she was writing for whoever was alone going through hard moments as she had. She had comforted, embraced and filled with hope, the pages of that notebook, like someone desperate to reach someone, and that was the reason he felt like she had reached him, despite the fact that she had been long dead.

"She was always strange...I should have known that she was broken too...from that day that she dared to fight Y/N's bullies and get beaten up...I should have known...she was crazy." He mumbled to himself right before he closed the copy and threw it aside, getting his phone in his hands after a long time, only to realize that he had gotten a text from Daniel.

A text that was informing him of all the latest information that he knew related to Y/N.

"She is moving out?... Damn It!" He threw the phone across the room, for the news did not please him because that action was only going to make his chances narrower. 

---Time skip---

Jimin made his way into Taehyung's apartment right after he opened the door for him, his presence bringing shock to the two women, whom Taehyung had not spoken anything to about Jimin's arrival.

Nari's red eyes, which had now stopped shedding tears, gazed at him with visible shock, yet Jimin just walked up to her and squatted down before her, with an expression of worry on his face, that made her feel the knot getting tied up in her throat.

" What's wrong?" He questioned for he wasn't expecting to find her in this state, yet she just looked away and he made eye contact with Sira who reluctantly let him know of how things had gone down.

"Did you already give in to him?... Is that why?" Jimin turned to look at her again, his eyes portraying sympathy for her while in his mind, dreaded the thought that he had found out too late.

Upon hearing his question, tears started streaming down her eyes again and she placed her palms to cover her face, in an attempt to give herself the false needed feeling of some safety.

"My father was into gambling and he lost all of my savings and after some months he got sick. I needed money immediately and one of Mr Jung's men approached me, offering me to help. It was his life or that deal, so I accepted it...I didn't which way I was required to repay him..."Sira patted her back as her voice broke in a sob again, despite the fact that she didn't know exactly what was she talking about, her words sure felt heavy.

"After I found out that I had to film a video sleeping with him in exchange, I wanted to give all his money back, but no one had enough to lend me, so...I dropped my ego and came to find you but you ignored me and then...I went to Taehyung." She added, leaving Jimin to lower his gaze, as he felt a bit guilty over the fact that he didn't even bother to make the time of the day to listen to her.

"But I gave you more money than you asked. Didn't I?" Taehyung questioned her, while his mind had yet to process what Mr Jung had requested of her to do.

"Yes, and I went to repay him, but he didn't accept it. He threatened me...he said no matter what I do, there is no way of escaping this...and I...I don't think I can live if I- " 

"Don't even think about that. You hear me! Get it out of your head. Such a thing won't happen. I will end this once and for all. " Jimin reassured her and as she met his confident gaze, she almost felt like she had a chance to escape.

"Sira, stay with her. Taehyung, come, we have things to discuss." Jimin stood up and gave some orders before he walked away, heading to some other room, where he would be able to inform his brother of his findings and decide together what was the best way to solve these issues, called Mr Jung, once and for all.

---To be continued...

I will try to write one more so it becomes a triple update 🤗

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