One Shot

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Both is on the bed, the same that went witness of all those nights of lust, the kisses, caresses, some sad moments, tears, fight, in end, all that shares in bearing with him the life of married men. After assembling or simply the fact to know you are turned over to your life and not precisely for wrong, on the contrary, now both enjoyed to fullness of the company of the other as occur in this am necessary moment.

—Kagami—murmur in the ear of your husband to call your attention, afterwards it goes down until your chest in which curls up while caress your blue azure and straight hairs. to percatar that the major is staring at it, it continues— still remember that day when knew us?—he raises and observe on the contrary that it smiles instinctively to the remember that so dramatic moment.

and it think that a few years ago back had mixt up to that one it is so innocent that it is priced at your side with a ghost or think that single was the product of your imagination, when finding so single and empty between those walls.

—As forgets that day,—says while imprisons it between your hands and brings near it more to him—,if went when know to the person that gave felt to my life, and never will repent does not leave to be followed the scent you of my side.


POV Kagami:

Each night, not if single went product of my imagination and depression that it is united near my loneliness to create to that one be that always scraped the day with the simple fact to permit me speak with affected slowness it. Not even as much as a long time ago states living single in this great mansion, but whenever the sol hides and predominates the obscurity the single thing listen to that melody does forget me all.

Today finally it have decided discover who is the one which is behind all this, with the pretext that want know it and it appreciate you formally.

Already was hour, how always that coming melody of the piano reached to my ears, was beautiful.

I sliped in between the walls and it arrived until that great where salon had an old piano that so much pleased touch in my infancy although already that is single past. When move close habrí slowly the door and observed with arrest.  On a small just seat in front of the piano it lay a child of blue azure hairs.

—" is real, is beautiful "—murmured smoothly, although nobody went capable of listens to the, single the wind went witness of them/it.

He was of white, apparently soft skin although with someone wounded and a little dirty; it was of stature median; it appeared very thin; it had a small nose and a few fine labiums reddened lightly of rosy. The light it came of the window lit up it lightly making opinion still much more charming while sliding your delicate hands on the aged but well taken care of old, from major to minor delicately blew them, by inundating the whole place, I single could observe it without loosening not even for a second the look; but as all has final he noticed my presence.

It raises slow, I get out of my hide-and-seek, he goes over me with the view without at least dissembling. Our looks connected for simple seconds and both got lost us in that unknown universe that it are the eyes of the other.

—I am sorry—says and does an in form reverence of excuse—,not not have nobody.

I observe as walking towards my direction that it is in which is found the exit. While it passes justly to my taking side your hand, cling to she without intentions of untiing it because if do finish   it all: that song, that felicity, the happiness to have to somebody more that at least you colored to the obscurity, that does feel you that not are you on your own; and not, not have not intentions to leave it goes of my side, never will do it.

—You do not go you—murmur and now find us by watching us again

—I want to not bother—it said while deviating your eyes to the earth—.Not had not where sleep therefore searched for other where place livelihood the night and as thinking that had not nobody since all were in silence decided remain me here for the nights, but I not wanted not, it temple...—I did not stop finish it that sentence.

It felt as if somewhat in my chest rompiese with so single listen thoses words, never had felt would that, before, not imported nobody, was very cold with all, of that forms finished here, single, in this great and dark mansion; never it has been missing me nothing as for it material since have the money and the sufficient luxuries, without counting that it own the better restaurants and hotels of the city. However with that child am not being would that, not see it as other of thoses so annoying peoples that to the every day, he is as a little, somewhat special for me.

— can stay you near me?—resolved trinket although appeared more an affirmation than a question, the child were lightly made blush and confused—.As said, not have not where remain you and I live single, could stay you to live with me, moreover, remained you here for 4 days so not see the problem—propose and he assented

—Yes—it responded although do not believe that was sure of your words

—But I have a condition: you will touch the piano for my accept?.

He single assented with notable emotion. I, on the other hand it had the flushed cheeks, the nerves invaded me, my heart annoyed to the limits of one's power looked as if in any moment it could come out, and still it pinched your hand not carefully to hurt it, she who went untiing slowly since apparently not had not intention to go  .


— and still want me?—incredulous question, both know the answer but pleases you listen those of that redhead, it has this many times but never gets tired of listen thoses simple words.

—I love you—the major is approximated more to him and places a tender kiss in your labiums— want that demonstrates it?— murmur very near your ear to return to unite your labiums but this time one more where needy person with this Kuroko action responded your question.

In this way they pass some minutes, although were broken for a few small blows in the door of the room. Both stop suddenly and crossed your look, already know that at least for the present not could not make nothing, apparently have to wait. The major was raised to go until the door, after opening it confirmed your suspicions.

—Father, can put sleep with you?—asked the small Haiku while embracing to your bear of plush and it put a face to the one that nobody could resist.

Kagami opens your hands while the child when seeing this runs towards it; it loads it, dedicates you a great smile and kisses your front.

—Of course—responds while walks with the child between your hands towards the bed, in which is found Kuroko, after stopping it on it the mentioned embraces to Haiku and places it in the middle of both.

The delicate moonlight is filtered for the window of crystal by lighting up the just as to the piano that is in the contiguous room to the yours, perhaps your life is not the best nor nothing similarity but with the company of the other and your both child are convinced that are happy sufficiently.



It is the first time I write in English , I speak Spanish and scarcely am learning this language so excuse the spelling mistakes.

I hope that have enjoyed this One Shot child that provided oneself with a lot of love for you and say me that appeared you.

Plus sign to speak of hurl me and perhaps translates other of my histories.

❤️I love you, thanks for your support ❤️

See you later

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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