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dark grey clouds filled the sky, thunder sounding all over, a natural phenomenon for incoming rain

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dark grey clouds filled the sky, thunder sounding all over, a natural phenomenon for incoming rain. small droplets lightly drizzled upon the earth's dirt, people trampling against it to rush under a shelter.

all but one child.

in the middle of a crosswalk appeared to be a young girl, trudging along the pathway, tears streaming down her face. stares were sent her way, yet no one approached her, thinking she was a stray child.

it was obvious from her outward appearance, battered clothing, puffed-up hair and litters of scars and bruises that decorated her face to the point she looked like she was beaten black and blue.

the only thing that paid attention to was the cars, flashing their blinkers and hooting at her to make her walk faster. there were times she would pay mind and usher herself out of the way, but mostly, she would remain indifferent, sludging across.

this unknown girl was not the only strange display right now, two certain teenagers raced along the pavement, shouting.

"you stupid idiot!" the new voice pitched in, blonde and carmine-haired boys running in the rain. both were equally distressed, even though one was more than the latter. "bakugou! cut me some slack, alright? my quirk is hardening, not prediction of the weather!" retorted the crimson-haired one.

the two were covering themselves with their jackets, barely managing to avoid getting soaked. "well, you wanna know why they have weather podcasts' shitty hair?!" exclaimed bakugou, sending a harmless hit on the back of the other's head. in response he whined, rubbing the spot he was hit.

after running for a while, the same crosswalk from prior bestowed itself upon them, still having the little girl there, instead of her slow pace, she stood still, tears beginning to well up before she started wailing, alerting one of the teens.

"hey bakugou... shouldn't she be crossing the road and not just standing there," he asked the blonde, to which he clicked. "you got one thing right, kirishima," he huffed, waiting for the other to respond.

"you called me by my name," he said, a hint of amazement in his voice as he playfully nudged his flaxen-haired companion. "don't push me to use worse names, you idiot," bakugou grumbled, making the newly introduced boy laugh. "anyway, let's check on her; the traffic light's about to go green," kirishima noted, gesturing towards the signal.

this sounded unpleasant to the blond, he knew it would be the only right thing to do, he was a hero in training after all, but time was passing by at an alarming pace. "are you trying to get us killed dumbass?! curfew is in a few minutes, and we are already in trouble for not getting the groceries, being late will add fuel to the fire," he reasoned, stuffing his hands inside his pocket.

"we are heroes bakugou, and even if we were not, it is the moral thing to do, plus, I will just check on her and get her off the road," kirishima explained, already rushing to where the said girl was. "kirishima! that old man s' going to kill us!" bakugou shouted, racing after him.

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