Chapter 1

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Note to my past self—do not, I repeat, do not say yes to marrying the handsome stranger you happen to know absolutely nothing about.

"Do you, Rose Coleson, solemnly declare to take—"

No. Nope.

"Harry Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Hmm. Let me think about that. I don't. Nope.

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and keep him for as long as you both shall live?"

Keep him?

Wide-eyed and a little shaky, I stared straight ahead as the officiant said the words I was dreading.

Was I really doing this?

When the silence in the mostly empty and sort of depressing room stretched on and it was my turn to speak up, I was on the verge of hyperventilating. I tried my best to swallow the lump in my throat so I could speak, but I was afraid the words that desperately wanted to break free weren't Yes, I do.

I wasn't getting married in a lush green garden while the few friends I had cheered us on as I had always imagined I would. I wasn't laughing or crying from extreme happiness as every bride did at one point during the ceremony. I had no beautiful wedding bouquet, only one single pink rose which Harry Styles had thrust into my hands without a word right after we met in front of city hall. I wasn't even wearing a white dress, let alone my dream wedding gown.

Harry Styles was wearing a tailored black suit that was quite possibly worth a year of my rent, if not more. It wasn't a tux, but it was just as good. Next to him, I looked pretty cheap. Instead of a beautiful wedding dress, I had on a simple blue dress—it was the only thing I owned that was expensive and appropriate enough for the occasion, yet somehow it was still cheap—and I was standing next to the wrong man, one who did nothing but frown and glower.

Also, there was the handholding, his grip surprisingly tight around mine, especially compared to my loose hold. Such a simple act, but holding a stranger's hand while you're getting married? Not fun. Hell, forget about handholding—I was about to be the wife of a man I knew nothing more about than what a quick Google search had provided.

Yet I had willingly and knowingly agreed to this, hadn't I?

"Miss Coleson?"

As my breaths started to come faster and panic began to take hold of me, I tried to pull my hand out of Harry Styles' grip only to feel his fingers tighten around mine even more. I didn't know what I was thinking or what he thought I was going to do, but I couldn't lie and say running away hadn't crossed my mind.

His tight hold was a small warning, and then it was gone. My gaze jumped to his face, but he was staring straight ahead, eyes on the officiant, his sharp features set in stone. Cold. So cold. I thought I saw a muscle in his jaw ticking, but then I blinked, and it was gone.

The man showed his emotions about as much as a cement block did, so I tried to do what he was doing. Focus on the present.

"Miss Coleson?"

Clearing my throat, I did my best to put steel into my voice so I wouldn't cry. Not here. Not now. Not every marriage is about love. What had love offered me anyway other than heartbreak and late-night emotional eating?

My heart was beating loud and fast in my chest.

"I do." I finally replied with a smile I was sure made me look deranged.

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