W.E.A.P.O.N.S of power U.N.L.S.H.E.D

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*KND theme song*

"Your plans of turning all the parks in town into an adult only area is over Father." Numbuh 1 said as his team finished destorying the master weapon. Unknowing that the Delightful Children from Down the Lane were holding two weapons that they took from Father's off without asking. They didn't know what they did but if they could one up those Kids Next Door Father might not be upset with them for another failer.

"Say goodbye to your friends Numbuh 1, cause it shall be your last!" they said before blasting the first weapon at him, a gold color light coming out of it and almost got the leader if not for .... Numbuh 4 throwing himself to shild his friend.

"NUMBUH 4!!!!!!!" the boy's friends cried as Nigel bent down to check on his friend, the Delightful Children took the chance to shoot the other weapon at him. A light bluish-green shoot out of the other weapon hitting it's mark, but Numbuh 1 only kept holding his friend, telling Wally to wake up.

Nigel then felt a strange sensation come over him before passing Wally off to Numbuh 5, telling her to get the ship ready for take off. He then told Numbuh 2 & 3 to go with her, as he delt with those dorks. "Wait stop, what are you doing NOoooooooooooooooo." the Delightful Children's screams could be heard on the ship and less then 30 mins later Numbuh 1 came abord unscratched.

Meanwhile at Father's mainson

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH THOSE WEAPONS EVERY!!!!" screamed Father as he set himself on fire, yelling down at the beaten up Delightful Children. They were badly hurt and shaken up, remembering what Numbuh 1 did to them ..... it was so terrifulling. 

"Now the weapons are destoryed and their's no antidote or way to turn either of them back to normal. ..... Numbuh 1 of the Kids Next Door will now be unstoppable. Espically since you hit that Numbuh 4 with that .... weapon." Father whispered in terroy before leaving the room. He needed to call the other villains to tell them the weapons they feared .... were now unleashed on their worst enemies.

What happen to Numbuh 1 and 4? What is Father so terrifed of and why did Nigel Uno hurt the Delightful Children like that? Find out in the next chapter.

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