[7] Bro-Sis

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Susheela's pov,

"Leave me!"

"Come on baby i am your husband! Don't run away from me!"

"Leave me please! Kartik please!"


"No Susheela! Today i will make you mine forever!"

"Kartikkkkkk!"  I shouted

I opened my eyes and looked around. Dark room, moon light coming from the window. I am on my own bed. It was a bad dream! Just a nightmare.

I took the water bottle kept on the table by the side of my bed. I was sweating. I dreamt the same dream again after years. May be because of everything that happened today.

I went to bathroom. Washing my face i looked at myself in the mirror. Everything change. I have change. That innocent girl is no more. The world lost that innocent Susheela.

I was not in a mood to sleep again. Maybe scared of dreaming again.

The clock says 9:45! Well i slept around 8, directly coming from the police station.

I couldn't figure out how did the gun could have my fingerprints. For a minute if i agree with Vishal's words that Pramod is trying to trap me than why didn't he ran away when i was inside with Vishal.

As the interrogation ended Vishal and I came out of the police station. Unexpected! He was still standing there waiting for me. But Vishal didn't let me go with him. And Pramod left furiously.

Vishal dropped me home and coming inside i fell straight on the bed. I needed some rest. But now some food as well. I didn't had my lunch today, spying after Pramod.

As i was about to enter the kitchen i heard a doorbell.

Who is there at this time?

Opening the door i saw Vishal and a tensed Neil.

"dii" he said hugging me tightly. "are you fine?" 

I can feel he was on the verge of crying.

"Neil ... i am fine !" i said rubbing his back.

As we broke the Vishal said " there is a change in the plan!"


"I didn't registered any complaint officially but that doesnot mean you are safe!" Vishal said. I know he was right. I am a victim of a murder. Its going to be tough.

"I have to go to another state for some work. It will take two weeks. Till then i also want you guys to go somewhere else. I will handle everything. " He and we nodded. "And yes we will use different numbers from now. I have already text you my new one. I should leave now, tell me your decisions by tomorrow!" Vishal added as he moved out of my house.

After a silence of few minutes Neil said "dii! i too want to visit my parents. Its been three months!" I can feel his pain. Not meeting my own parents for four years, i still cry a lot over my fate.

"I think you should go!" i said softly.

"And you?"

"I too will visit some nearby place." i said and he just hmmed.

"Oh ! I have something for you!" he said and went outside directly.

Coming back he brought two bags.

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