When the light dims

Milk cookie stretched his arms out wide in an exhausted yawn. Turning over to look at his partner, it seems purple yam cookie was just as tired, a bead of sweat dripping down his flushed red cheek.
"Tch.. just where did he go..?" yam muttered under his breath, frustration taking over his tone.
A gentle hand on yam's shoulder calmed him momentarily with a soft gaze.

You see, milk and yam had been searching for prince dark choco cookie for a while now. Ever since he went missing, it had been up to them two to find it.
They've been in the woods for nearly a month now, surrounding the old palace where dark choco used to resign; but ultimately, there was no sign of the prince.
Yam couldn't help but growl in annoyance. "When i find that prince, i'll be sure to put HIM in HIS place."
Giggling at yam, whose arms were now crossed with fury, milk suggested something to help ease the two in their efforts.
"Y'know,,,," he started, catching yam's attention "Sparkling's bar isn't too far from here-how about we get some drinks? I'll pay hehe"
Sighing, yam nodded his head. "Sure.. i suppose itll be nice to get away from this stupid forest and it's stupid grass...it makes me sneeze."
"Well then, off we go!" and just like that, milk hastily grabbed yam's hand and they were off into the timid night.

The warm glow of lights, and cheery speech let the two know that they had arrived. The night was cold, with nips of cold wind every so often and deep, black, clouds that threatened snowfall cluttered the sky. It was mostly quiet, apart from the bar, which was a relief to yam, who had gotten tired quickly of the rustling leaves and chirping animals of the forest.
As the two walked up the path, milk quickly skipped in front, holding open the door for yam with an obnoxious bow. "After you, sir yam" he giggled.
Yam simply walked past him, a heavy bag of camping supplies on his back, glaring at yam. "Piss off."

"Mmh? Oh! Haven't seen you two before!" Sparkling cookie greated. He was standing behind his bar counter, rubbing clean a class with a handkerchief. Beside him were two other customers, one with mint and white hair, sipping on his drink, the other, long crimson haired was laying face down on the counter, reeking of red wine and bad decisions.
"Yeah, we're not from around here." yam bluntly spoke, folding his arms as he sat by the counter, milk joining him. "Ehe, don't mind him-! He's just tired is all"
Sparkling shrugged, and smirked friendly "nah, its fine! What can i get for you both then? You look exhauuustteddd" he placed down the glass, disappearing under the counter to grab some more.
"Mmh..." milk paused, looking at yam who had slumped on the counter. "Two of your strongest drinks, please!"
Yam jolted up. "WHAT NOW?!?" milk giggled. "You heard me, didnt you?"
Sparkling laughed, grabbing a glass of some alcohol from behind him. "What's the occasion?" he joked as he begun to pour some of the liquid into each glass.
Before milk could speak, yam butted in. "weve been looking for this one guy for ages now, so were getting something so we don't lose our minds."
Sparkling tilted his head slightly in curiosity. "Oh? Who may that be?"
"Sir prince dark choco!" milk happily announced, holding his hands together.
The guy with mint hair beside the two, loudly spat out his drink in surprise "h-hold on! Don't you two know what happened to dark choco??"
Milk felt confused as he looked over to sparkling, whos gaze turned into concern now. "How long have you two been searching for him...? Didnt you know he was exiled..?"

Delusions of the Desperate ☆×・.・ { COOKIE RUN AU }* CHAPTER 1/?Where stories live. Discover now