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Vader watched as [Name] slipped through his bedroom door. Why did he let her go? More importantly, why did he let her live? What was happening to him? Whatever it was, he didn't like it.

When he felt the soft curves of her body curled on his lap, he longed for more of her touch. He longed for Padme... his mother's warm hugs, even.

She didn't see his hands moving toward her, or him stopping himself from wrapping his mechanical arms around her. Arms he feared were so strong and so powerful that he would crush her just as he had crushed Padme that awful day on Musafar. He was a monster. Even his love killed people.

But he wasn't a boy anymore, full of unrequited love and desire. The suit made him feel old. Not even [Name] could be sure of his age, thinking of him as an envolent and old man when he was only in his early thirties and quite agile despite the suit. Even worse was her question... "are you alive?"

Was he?

What did she mean?

Was he human?

He used to be.

Was he a droid?

His heart still beat, even with wires pumping blood through what remained of his body. He still felt things that humans felt... like hatred and anger. Sometimes he felt love - but only in his memories.

Vader remained in the round arm chair and felt himself drifting into sleep. He often dreamed of a peaceful galaxy. But there was little peace in his dreams on this night.

[Name] was there...

Vader woke with a start. A knock on his door intruded upon his dreams. He said nothing, but watched as the door creaked open. He sensed it was [Name] before she even walked inside.

"You have any idea what time it is?"

Vader turned his head, surprised that he slept so soundly in his mask. He usually closed the special chair, which was also a hyperbaric chamber, over his head so he could sleep without his gear.

Sunlight streamed through the windows onto her peach colored dress. "The queen really had it for me," [Name] continued. "She said, I spoke too freely yesterday. That I should apologize."

Vader had a thing about apologies. They were for the weak.

"I only said what was on my mind. So I won't apologize for my words. But I do regret calling you barbaric. It wasn't fair. You're so much more than that."

His heart leapt at the words. But he said nothing. [Name] walked toward the wooden cabinet and grabbed a breakfast concoction from the shelf.

She then kneeled before Vader who sat motionless, as though he were not watching her... She grabbed his arm and pressed the vial into his hand.

Vader's fingers closed around the glass and snap! The vial shattered.

The look on [Name]'s face was one of confusion. "What are you doing?" she asked.

Vader's hand moved to his lap. He looked at her face, the way her eyebrows furrowed, the way her eyes seemed to sparkle, the sad pout of her lips, the shine of her dark hair, which draped over her shoulders like a dark black cape.

[Name] stood, stormed across the room and grabbed another vial. She then walked back to Vader and pressed the breakfast concoction into his hand. He sat motionless for a second, until she slid the air pump close to his feet.

Using the force, he cracked the second vial. Liquid spilled to the floor.

"I gather you're not interested in learning how to feed yourself!" [Name] raged. "If so, get someone else to do it!"

[Name] stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

She marched down the stairs in a huff. Who in the hell does he think he is? She raged. This type of service was beneath her. She was an educated woman, a decorated politician. Not some handmaiden or servant.

[Name] left the villa without her shoes, feet bearing down on the tile, the grass, the bridge beyond it, the meadow, all the way home.

Vader sat motionless in his chair. Run [Name]. Run as fast as you can, he said to himself. It is too late for me...

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