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My sister's CRV was midnight black and free from damage, except for some big dents and scratches. The driver's and passenger seat was torn in places, showing the fabric underneath.

Out the driver's side window, the neighborhood looked normal. Most homes were two stories with the occasional ranch style, many of which were decorated for Halloween. Many of the neighbors had a fence, a pool, or a badminton net up. Some even had a trampoline. It was a standard place to live.

I removed my glasses and stuck a couple of chicken tenders in my braces. My braces have a wire mesh over my teeth, so small objects like chicken tenders or popcorn kernels can get stuck there.

Through the windshield, I could see Jessica Summers' house approaching. It was a bright yellow with brown shutters and a giant oak tree outside. I could hear the leaves crunching under the tires.

Jessica's house was a bright yellow with brown shutters outlined with red. The tree outside was an oak. Its leaves were burnt orange and light golden yellow.

My younger sister, Hannah, pulled up to the curb in front of Jessica Summers' house. I sat in the passenger seat, fiddling with my glasses and removing chicken tenders from my braces. I sat back, took my phone out of my hoodie, minded my business, and began texting Erin, my best friend, solely because I felt bad for the son of a bitch.

Hannah applied an extra coat of red-tinted lipstick, staring into the passenger side mirror. While glaring at me in the mirror, she reached into her makeup bag, sitting next to her in the middle console, and applied thick black gunk to her lashes.

"Adam, if you expect to go in, I'd advise you to reconsider. People can't see me with a four-face."

From my console, I looked up at Hannah. "Hannah, it's four eyes." I sighed.

Hannah took a deep breath and sighed sarcastically before putting her mascara back in her makeup bag. She hurriedly closed her purse and slipped it into the car's back seat. "Whatever. Stay in the car, OK?" She hissed vehemently.

"Cool." I let out a sigh and returned my focus to my phone. "Whatever you say," I mumbled.

For a short period, we sat in silence. Hannah exited the vehicle, but I remained seated, unbuckling my seat belt, adjusting my position in the car, and drifting off to sleep.

A tap on the window jolted me up from my slumber. I saw Erin, my idiot best friend, jumping in front of the window and sliding his face against the glass, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and khakis. After nearly breaking the seatbelt in fright, I gathered myself. Erin tapped on the window, laughing.

"Open the door!" He demanded. I finally gave in, unwillingly.

"All right, geez!" I slowly unlocked and opened the door. Erin and I exchanged handshakes.

"Are we going to that party, or are we going to that party?" He flashed a broad, dorky grin. I huffed; my breath froze in the cool air.


"We should crash it." He insisted again.

I growled, "Erin, you're an idiot." Erin scoffed and hauled me out of the car by my shoulder.

"Let's go!" He dragged me along with him.

We walked up the paved brick stairs to the front door. Erin gave the nod to a couple making out in the bushes. Disgusted, the two gentlemen gazed up at Erin. Erin opened the front door with a shrug and a smirk.

"OK." Erin gave me a smack on the back and walked away, leaving me alone at the door. Like a sitting duck, I stood there for a few moments before turning around and considering leaving my hand on the doorknob. I turned around to see Blake Andrews, a dark-skinned goddess. A perfect face, dark brown hair, and glasses. She was holding a punch drink that I was almost sure was laced with Alcohol.

"Are you Hannah's younger brother?" She gave me a friendly smile. Blake sipped her drink once more. As I closed the door, I cleared my throat nervously and sank into the door.

"Yeah," I admitted sheepishly. Blake laughed and pushed her glasses back into place.

"What brought you here tonight? Aside from your sister, that is."

My hands rubbed the back of my neck. "I, uh... It was Erin."

"Erin is a moron. I'm surprised he could get in," she said.

I admitted, "Yeah, me too." Blake sipped again before tilting her glass towards me.

"Do you want to try? It has a gummy bear flavor."

"No, thank you," I said as I declined her offer. " I'm not a huge fan of candy, but—" Alcohol. I wasn't a massive fan of Alcohol. I was lying on her face because I loved candy, especially chocolate. Blake slid her glass into my fingers before I could complete my statement.

"Just down it. You won't even taste the Alcohol. I promise." She gave a kind smile.

"I'm sorry, but I can't—" Blake interrupted my minor diatribe and sighed, gently removing the cup from my grip.

"It's all right, Adam. Not everybody is a fan of Alcohol." I inhaled deeply.

Thank God.


A half-hour flew by in a flash. With my fast-paced heartbeat, my head hammered. I puked while leaning over a toilet seat. My glasses were next to me on the sink counter. The door swung open when there was a sudden knock.

"Are you nearly done, mate?" Hannah is waiting for you," Jeremy said, the alcohol slurring his words. I sighed and leaned back over the toilet to heave once more. Jeremy burst out laughing. I wiped my lips on the sleeve of my sweatshirt and raised my eyes to Jeremy.

"Could you give me a moment?" I pointed to the toilet. Jeremy expressed his dissatisfaction with the situation with a shake of his head.

"Right now, she needs you." I sighed and pushed myself up from the bathroom floor, following Jeremy. I followed Jeremy into the bedroom when we exited the restroom.

"You know, your sister—" He inhaled deeply and smiled. "She's bloody hot." He gazed at me while licking his lips.


"You are a dick," I growled.

Jeremy's muscular body, arms rippling, lips curled in a menacing smile, pink tongue licking his lips. His unbuttoned jeans and his bare torso revealed his chest. I felt a pang of fear. Then, what used to be Jeremy was a female figure wearing a black cloak that concealed its face from view.

The walls were barren, the dark room riddled with spider webs and dust. The floorboards creaked under our feet as we approached a bed.

The room was dimly lit by a bedside lamp shining dim light, the only source of brightness. The room looked lived, with a bed in the corner and a desk against the opposite wall. A dresser stood opposite the bed.

I stumbled into a dimly lit room with a bed centered on the carpet. It was messy, with dirty clothes strewn about. I noticed a bathroom door beyond the bed. A bedside lamp illuminated the room, fixed on an empty desk.

Her scarlet lips glisten in the dim light of the room. Her pale skin shimmered. Her noble face was beautiful, her eyes like the sun, solid gold yet beautiful, and her hair was like the night, black but glittering in the light.

Her body was naked in all its glory, and her cloak was black as the night. "Goodbye, Adam," the figure whispered. Her piercing eyes stared into mine as her slender hands released their grip on my weak and limp body. I fell onto the soft bedsheets and the floor before the figure vanished into the darkness. It could have been a nightmare. My eyes flickered, and I fought to stay awake before succumbing to the night.

Reality Bit Me 🦇 (ONC 2022)Where stories live. Discover now