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They're not facts, but who cares? I certainly don't, I couldn't care less. they are predictions though, and I have made many. one of which goes a little like this: she tells him how she feels (love) towards him and he is so supprised and stops talking to her but keeps talking to her friend because he has a crush on said friend. the friend sees that something is wrong so friend asks her what happened. she tells friend what happened with her crush and friend feels sorry for her and says, "okay, if he isnt talking to you, then i wont talk to him." she bluts out, "no, just because he wont talk to me doesnt mean his crush shouldnt talk to him." the friend is completly shocked and realises that he does like friend. and friend says, "fine, i'll talk to him," the next day its very akward but they now talk again, only proving he will do anything for friend because he likes friend.

that is what i perdict will go down if girls best friend keeps pushing her to do so.

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