Love me or Die for me

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So yeah, this monster is 21K words. And honestly, if this one flops, I'm ready to delete it and pretend like it never existed. 

I pour my everything into this, please show lots of love and do comment.

Thank you for the poster @belle_x_queen. 

WARNING: This can be a little dark, if you're not comfortable, don't read. 


Psychokinesis or telekinesis: a psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction.

Manipulation: the action of manipulating someone/something in a clever or unscrupulous way.

Compulsion: the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something.

~~Love me or die for me~~

~~Love me or die for me~~

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Mutants. Subhumans. Aliens. Predators. Monsters. Demon bastards.

Whatever you want to call them, it's all the same. And yes, they do exist. Very much real and alive. When they were discovered or how they were made, no one really knows. 

There are no records on their evolution as if the planet earth tried its best to keep it as a secret and failed miserably in the end. But everyone knows one thing, that they are dangerous species and are not supposed to be here. 

Declared by who? Of-fucking-course Humans. Humans decide everything. Control everything as if this planet is theirs, they make decisions, they destroy everything with their greediness.

Those fools, don't even know the meaning of coexisting.

For years, the government made sure to keep the mutants in check, years before they were caged and slaughtered brutally the minute they caught them. Because to know that a species exists which is far more intelligent and strong than homo-sapiens, is not taken well. They're a threat to humans because they can crush humans and bury them deep with their petty egos in a second. 

So, before even giving them a choice, humans declared that mutants are not worthy to be alive and should be wiped out of the world. Of course, it is not a selfish decision, they just want to live safely.

Talk about hypocrites!

There were numerous horrible stories, never-ending like children's bedtime stories. 

Like how there used to be a woman who drove everyone crazy by just using her voice. 

Or like how a man ruled the entire village by making a fire in his fingertips.

Or how a 12-year-old girl drowned the entire district by calling upon the river. 

Like that, for these stories, there is no end. Some say there are superstitious and for some, it's exciting but for most of them, it's terrifying. The fact that there exists a species that is far more superior than humans, it's not well received.

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