[8] Getting Closer

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Susheela's pov,


A sound echoed as i jumped into his room from the window. The same room where i was laying down few hours ago.

"Come on!"

I looked everywhere. On the bed, under the bed, on the table on the left, on the sofa even in the bathroom but my phone was no where to be seen.

"I think he kept it safely" i said to myself and was about to look again when-

the door opens. I quickly got into the wardrobe hiding myself between his shirts. Damn! He has only two colours- Black and White.

Shut up!

I peeped him through the little gap between the two doors of the wardrobe, to let in the air to breathe.

He was standing by the side of the bed. Panting. He was sweating. His clothes were wet due to sweat. Hot!

Suddenly he removed his t-shirt and i covered my eyes with my hands. Looking through the fingers i saw his bare back. Flexing his triceps. A tattoo on the back while the other on the left arm.

As he turned, i saw his chest. And his abdominal muscles making a perfect partition between his abs. As i was thinking this he slightly took off his trousers too.

Standing just in shorts i roam my eyes on his legs, and his thighs. His waist as he moved a little to flex.

I quickly shook my head to move away the dirty thoughts that were coming in looking at his hot body.

Ugghhhh... not again!

I look at him for the last time and-

he was about to remove his shorts too. No please!

I closed my eyes tightly not, never wanting to see further. I felt his foot steps.

Opening my eyes i saw him approaching towards me. Thank god that he didn't remove his shorts.

He was about to open the door and i close my eyes tightly wishing this time shall pause when suddenly he stopped. Thank god!

He quickly went inside the bathroom. Taking this golden opportunity i moved back through the same way i came in, never to think about this incident again!


His muscles, legs! Oh god not again! His that look was coming infront of my eyes again and again.

I changed myself into comfortable dress and was about to go to bed when i heard the doorbell.

I will kill this Neil.

Opening the door i directly burst out without looking at him.

" You idiot ! Still roaming on the road!"

"What?"   Oh no! Its... its...

"Pramod! Shit... i am sorry i though it was Neil. Sorry!"

"Its okay!" he said

"umm.... please come in!" i welcome him.

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