He sat there alone with his thoughts. The dark thoughts overwhelmed him. So he proceeded to sit, in where once a magical place, but now nothing but torment of memory.
He now was wondering what it would have been like if that conflict never had commenced. Ever. But that was an aspect of his imagination that had no possible chance of happening. Still he wondered.
His thoughts overflowed his mind so much, that he had fallen into deep, forced by tears, slumber.
Next thing he knew was that he was being shaken to consciousness.
"Wake up, kid." A calm voice could be heard from whoever spoke.
"W-wha?" He responded.
"Your father is calling for you, we've been worried sick."
The prince looks up at the figure. Technoblade. First son of King Philza. He didn't really have much against him. But, he had a feeling he should not be of trust.
"Right. I'll get going now."
"Wait." He felt a glacial touch on his arm.
"Remember, your always welcome here." An unsettling grin forming on this mouth as his lips curled unnaturally upwards.
What a creep. Am I right?
The prince left the room. Unsettled. By the calm descendant of Phil's behaviour. Weird.
That very night after the third prince of the Arctic kingdom had passed. Something weird was going on. It was unusual of not only Techno, but the others, they gave him weird looks.
The three knew of their settlement of peace with the killpire. But this idea formed by them was more tempting then ever.
"We can't."
"Wilbur he's just passed. We can't replace him this easily."
"But it would be so easy, their so alike."
"I'll consider this. It might take some time for him to adjust."
"But dad, that might break the peace with the killpire."
"Sacrifices must be made."
And with that Philza stormed quietly out of the meeting area.
The Arctic kingdom meeting had been announced as officially over. It was, quite a debateable subject to speak of. It was serious.
The prince of the killpire, despite how uncomfortable he felt, he hadn't the nerve to expose this to anyone. Not even his father, that he spent his lifetime with.
And contrast the the Arctic kingdom's beliefs he came every day. Just to sit upon his best friend's grave. To weep upon the fact he wasn't there on time to save his friend from his death. The family of course felt sorrow for the boy, but didn't express it as much as they would like to.
"Tubbo. There's a nice twist to the name. Similar to Tommy's. Both begin with a T."
"Wilbur knock it off, he's visiting right now, we will discuss this matter later on, at the family meeting."
"Ok" Wilbur responded, annoyance touching the tip of his tongue.
None of them dared say but a word to Tubbo that day. They thought it was too sudden to show changes in their emotions. It would cause suspicion.
That's something to work on. Wilbur wasn't quite as good as required, it just enough to fool the descendant of Schlatt, like father like son.
Tubbo, should have paied more attention to the royal's of the Arctic. Instead he sat upon his best friend's death bed. And began to speak in a hushed voice.
As if Tommy was right in front of him. Many found this weird, not Tubbo he poured his emotions out onto that grave.
Techno turned the knob of the door to call Tubbo's name, suprisingly Tubbo had already sprinted into the castle walls.
This was to avoid Techno's bone-chilling grin and his creepy yet unexpected speech.
Obedient already. He couldn't resist but to inform the remaining of the family.
After it was announced that Prince Tubbo had left. They started plotting and discussing once more.
"The information I have gathered today is valid, so please keep your ears pealed."
"Go ahead Techno."
"Other the course of a few days it has been noticeable to me that Tubbo is obedient towards me."
"I have noticed that too." A thoughtful Wilbur agreed.
"You probably scared him half to death with your twisted ways."
"Honestly, all it took was a menacing grin."
"Glad we had this meeting." Phil had dismissed the gathering.
That day Tubbo hadn't shown up to visit. Unusual. He always did.
What the Arctic kingdom didn't know was that Tubbo had gotten sick after sitting in the drizzle of rain the previous night.
He just proceeded with his sorrowful conversation with the muted and dull stone that lay in front of his feet.
Tubbo was now suffering the consequences of a dangerously high fever.
Although the maids in his kingdom assumed he would be up within the week.
Schlatt sent a letter directed to the Arctic kingdom about this. And they grew worried. But dared not to show anything more than a 'get better soon.'
Word count: 824 words

Come live with us... MCYT
FanfictionTommy, the youngest prince has passed in an unfortunate accident. His best friend Tubbo, prince of the killpire is reminding them too much of him.. Art credits to @Tartsy_891 on twitter