The Beginning

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The Slender family has existed for centuries. Slenders were ordinary in the beginning, just your average human family going about their business until they met her. When they met her their world changed and they became monsters. Cursed to need human flesh for sustenance they were driven away for their despicable ways. Who was she......? Morana. Her kind face and brightly colored clothes could deceive you, making you feel safe until you made a mistake. The Slender family were not Slenders originally. They were known as the Williams Family. The family was well off and made great contributions to the town they lived in.

They always went to church, they helped their neighbors whenever they could, and they were a kind family. Honestly, they were picture perfect when you looked at them, something Donovan Williams prided himself on. His wife, Ivy Williams, was an excellent homemaker. Sure, they had servants that tended to their every needs but Ivy enjoyed making her home just that, HER HOME. She had impeccable taste but she was kind and nurturing. Despite the hardship their father placed on them the Williams children knew everything would be okay thanks to their mother. She was a light in a dark world.

They met Morana at a party one of their friends was hosting. Only the grandest were allowed so the kids stayed home. It was a party for the adults, not the children. Morana was the center of attention until Ivy arrived. Donovan held his head high as he walked in with Ivy on his arm, a smirk on his lips. He knew he had the most beautiful wife in existence. He's even had a few assassination attempts on his life by many of her suitors but he knew how to play the game of life, and he was VERY good at it. Morana didn't appreciate being overshadowed by the Williams wife. Ivy was married but Morana was single! Like Ivy she could have any man she wanted and everyone knew it. The kicker? Morana was a whore.

There was no nice way to put it. She slept around with all of the men, even the married ones! She used her wealth to shut people up so naturally people tried to stay away from her. Any man would fall into her trap and any woman would be walked over if they didn't get out of the way. Morana knew she was number one but she had a secret. She wasn't your average woman and there was a reason she led so many people to their demise when interacting with her. No, she was no human. Still, she liked a good chase. When Ivy left to dance with another man she came up close to Donovan, two drinks in hand.

"Hi Donovan," She purrs, handing him a glass of champagne. "You're letting her dance with someone else? How can you be so sure she's not cheating on you?"

"Good evening Miss Morana," Donovan greets, accepting the glass of champagne. "She knows what would happen if she cheats."

"Mmm, I just love a man who can control his world," Morana purrs, pressing her body against his. "She won't mind if I treat you to a night of passion will she?"

"I am married Miss Moran," He reminds her, his eyes on his dancing wife.

"You know I don't care about a silly thing like that," She giggles. "At least grant me a dance?"

"No Miss Morana. I only dance with my wife." He declares.

"She's off dancing with someone else?" Morana argues with a pout.

"She belongs to me. If I need to use her then I will do so," He says with a dark chuckle. "Run along now Miss Morana, before I do something I regret."

She perks at his last words, a smile coming to her lips as their eyes meet. She brushes a finger down his chest before she walks away to play with another man for the night. Ivy doesn't catch this, happily chatting with the men she dances with. She knew Donovan was using her for his business. Let them get a taste of what he has and make them want more. She wasn't stupid but she was faithful. Her religion forbid her from having a divorce so she put up with all of it. Besides, she had her children. They were the light of her life and she would do anything for them. After a while of dancing she walks out to the terrace while Donovan chats and makes his deals. She sighs and rests against the railing as she stares up at the night sky full of stars, smiling softly.

Slender Brothers Origin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now