Don't I Know You?

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Summary: They rekindle their friendship at a modeling gig.

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"Sensual Beauty is an exclusive collection that features underwear, bras, lingerie, and more pleasing accessories. We only cater to the sexy, seductive side of people."

Suho didn't know how the brand's slogan was stuck in his head but it was not leaving for a bit; not when he had a gig with them anyway. Aside from his numerous modeling jobs, this one stood out the most. Suho rarely booked anything sexual due to him trying his damn hardest to keep his image in check and due to its nature in South Korea. People can show some skin but not too much while in the limelight. Idols couldn't say they had a partner, especially if they were the same gender. But anyway, Suho walked through the doors of a building he was told to come to, hearing faint music in the distance. As he kept walking, the music grew to be louder. Then, Suho found himself in a room and was directed to an old enemy/friend of his; Im Ju-Kyung.

She was dressed head-to-toe in business casual (aka, dress pants with heels and a blazer), "Mr. Suho, welcome."

He was surprised by how formal she was being. But then again, she's the co-founder of Sensual Beauty so it makes sense for her to be professional; "Hello, Ms. Ju-Kyung. Haven't you grown from the last time we talked?"

"Well, of course, Suho. We all have to mature and get out of our childish ways sooner or later. Plus, I'm a proud lesbian with Sujin. But I can't believe you're famous now!"

"Me neither. I mean, I thought I'd just settle for something else than this. And I'm surprised you're the creator of such a sexual brand."

"Eh, it sort of makes sense. But hey, things change do people—"

Suho's attention quickly changed to the guy who just walked in. He wore a tank top and dress pants with expensive-looking shoes, everything being all black. He was the famous Han Seojun, Suho's first boyfriend and Ju-Kyung's ex (now THATS a messy sentence).

"...Is that Seojun?"

"Mhm. You'll be modeling with him if there's a need for two on set. Also, forgot to ask but are you comfortable with being partially nude sometimes? Like, in just boxer briefs?"

"I've never done it but I can try."


Ju-Kyung quickly waved as she was being pulled away by her staff, leaving Suho alone but for a brief moment since Seojun came right behind him. He snaked his arms around Suho, rubbing small circles into the male's waist as Seojun gave him a back hug.

"Forgot how touchy you are, mister."

Suho chuckled before he put his hand on the back of Seojun's head, giving him the green light to get a little closer if he wanted. Seojun put his mouth on Suho's neck and gave him just a quick kiss.

His tone was seductive, easily recognizable as he hushed into Suho's ear, "Miss me?"

"Of course, you idiot."

Seojun pulled away from the man's ear, smirking; "How've ya been?"

"Decent. How about you?"

"Tired. All I'm running on is a cup of coffee with three hours of sleep."

Suho was kinda stunned. Did famous people always have it this hard? "Now you know that isn't healthy, Seojun."

"I know, but I can't change my schedule. It's not that easy."

Seojun slowly let go of Suho and then spun him around so they could face each other. But before he could get a word out, Sujin interrupted their conversation.

"We need you both for a duo shot."


"Duh, Seojun."

"These pictures aren't gonna do themselves, guys," said one of the antsy photographers.

"...How do you want us to pose?"

"Sensually, sexually, anything along those lines. Make it gay if you want, I don't care. It just needs to look good, okay?"

The pair nodded before posing, now biting on any corner of a condom that was provided. Below the angled lens they were positioned in front of and looking at, Seojun's arms were right around Suho's waist.

"Perfect. Now, look at each other."

They slowly made side eye contact, feeling the tension between them get spicy. Suho felt a light coat of blush hit his face, visible to his former lover as they both blushed.

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As the pics were being processed and edited, Suho and Seojun were conversing on a couch, catching themselves up on one another before Ju-Kyung suddenly intruded (professionally, of course).

"Another set of models is scheduled to come in so you two have to leave."

"That's fine."

"Does it matter if we hook up on the side?"

"...No one here needs to know your advances, Seojun."

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The walk around Seoul was quiet and peaceful. Seoul had so many buildings with nature perfectly fitting with it. When the sunset was there, it made things even better. But a cold swish of air past Suho's hand made him a bit chilly, which was easily recognizable to Seojun.

"Still sensitive to the cold, eh?"

"Hush your mouth, Seojun."

"But what're we gonna get to eat?"

"I'll cook."

"Is that an invite for anything besides food?"

"Didn't we just see each other..."

They went inside the apartment building Suho lived in, taking the elevator up to Suho's small loft. He unlocked the front door and went inside followed by Seojun coming in. Suho grabbed his house slippers—and an extra pair for Seojun—before taking his shoes off.

Seojun left his shoes at the door while slippers kept his feet warm, "Any dinner ideas?"

Suho checked his fridge for what he needed, "Bibimbap."

"You still remember that's my favorite food?"

Suho looked over his shoulder with a small smile, "Surprisingly."

They washed their hands before Suho started to cut and prepare tonight's dinner. But Seojun didn't want to stand there and unuseful, so he quickly adjusted to Suho's working pace and helped him if he could.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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