Ikuca Fluff!

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Luxiem was having a Minecraft collaboration session and they were having fun doing their usual shenanigans. Ike had a big crush on Luca, but Luca was just too dense to notice it. One simple sentence changed a lot for the two of them.

"Luca!! Get out of my house, what are you doing??" Ike said. Luca replies while laughing, "That's unpog, Ike! I need a place to live, lend me a room, yeah?" "Why can't you make your own house like Mysta?" Mysta overheard their conversation and yelled, "What do I have to do with this?! Don't get me involved, I don't want Luca to kill me or anything." All of Luxiem laughed. "Oh my god, Mysta, I love you." Vox chuckled. Mysta blushed but replied, "Yeah.. uh, love you too? I guess." Shu just face palmed but shook it off, he was just farming.

After a little bit, Luca disappeared. Ike wondered where he went and asked him, "Hey- Luca where are you? You've been quiet." "I'm on a mission, Ikey Wikey!" "A mission..? What do you mean?" "When I come back you'll see! Don't worry," Luca replied and became silent again. "Okay,," Ike was skeptical, Luca was pretty unpredictable.

When Luca came back, he called for Ike, Ike was worried. "What is it, Luca?" He asked the blonde. "Look, Ike!" Luca held out a blue flower, the one Ike said he liked. "Oh, you actually found it!" Ike thinks back to the moment Luca asked about it.

"Hey, Ike. Let me make it up to you, what's your favorite Minecraft flower?" "Oh, well, I suppose it's the blue one. The blue orchid, I mean. Though, it is kind of rare so I can never find it." "Oh, Pog!" "Why do you ask?" "Well, you'll see." Luca was smiling.

"So that was why he asked.." Ike thought. Ike took the flower, not knowing he was blushing. "Do you like it?" Luca asks, being more dense than he already is. "Yeah- Of course, thank you Luca.." Mysta interrupted the moment shouting out, "Okay, lovebirds! Times up, we've gotta do something fun. How about a game with teams?" Everybody agreed with the idea.


Shu was the referee, he didn't want to get involved. Luca and Vox were on a team and Ike and Mysta were on a team. They were just going to play a simple game of volleyball. "Hey! Isn't this a bit unfair? They're so bulky and we're more or less- skinny?" Mysta shouts. "That's why it's fun, my boy!" Vox answers Mysta.

After a few rounds, Luca was serving, he hit fairly hard and accidentally hit the back of Vox's head. "Oww! God damn it, Luca. Are you doing this on purpose? We're teammates for goodness sake." Luca just laughed and someone unpredictable was laughing too, Ike. "Ha- Oh god.. Luca, I love you.." Silence overcomes the group. "No- I mean.." Ike was embarrassed. "It's alright. I love you too." Luca interrupted. Ike was a blushing mess. Everybody except the victim started laughing and Luca pulled Ike into a hug. "I mean it, you know" Luca said as he placed a kiss on the top of Ike's head.

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